[quote=@TwilightDragon] Dude, calm down. I was in no manner trying to be racist. I'm not a history nut. I chose Japan as a setting because I thought it would be interesting and both of the settings of the anime I was inspired by were in Japan. Just because I don't know much about its history doesn't mean I can't make a roleplay situated in it. I don't want to argue about logic in something that supposed to be fun for me and everyone else. Like I said, if you don't like the basis of the interest check, please click the back button and leave. Not to mention I'm not necessarily in the mood to be arguing, either, and I don't want to make enemies. [/quote] You don't have to be deliberately or consciously racist to be one, you know. You're erasing a rich and diverse culture purely to insert your own one, in a place where it has no reason to exist. It would be less insensitive if you made this RP about either the [i]European[/i] mafia in [i]Europe[/i] or the [i]Japanese[/i] Yakuza in [i]Japan[/i], because that way the characters involved would not only logically fit in, but you wouldn't have to forcibly and clumsily insert foreign ideals and names into them. I'm genuinely interested in this RP, it's just that I think you're being very problematic here, and would prefer if you subtly shifted the setting to something not only more logical, but more understanding of the cultures in play here.