Name: Lee Redfield Alias: Light-Orange Mask Superhero/Villain: Superhero Age:21 Gender:Male Powers/Equipment: Lee has a suit that grants him the ability to lift 300 pounds and the powers of his punches are increased by 8.1% but only if he is in contact with a Light-Orange materiel. The suit can also withstand two slashes from a knife and a few hits from bats. When he bought the suit it also came with a free baton so he also uses it. Lee also drives a 1990 Geo prism with a very botched paint job. Weakness:If his suit comes in contact with any light-red materiel it turns into a brick rendering it useless. Lee absolute freaks out around ducks after the "incident".His car is also [b]Very[/b] prone to breaking down. Appearance: [hider=My Hider] His mask [img][/img] His body gear [img][/img] Outside suit [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Lee is extremely nice to anyone he cross paths with but is very clumsy and naive. His mind is in the right place trying to cut back on crime but when you constantly trip on anything that isn't a flat surface its really hard to cut crime. Lee also likes to say cheesy jokes when he does so happen to fight villains but he usually forgets the punch line. When he isn't fighting crime he usually hangs around comic stores. Backstory: Lee grew up in your very typical suburban family nothing dramatic happened to him (except that one time with ducks) but he would always turn on the TV and see A-List heroes saving trains of people. His favorite hero was the Orange Mask, a badass ex-Green Beret who struck fear in his enemies with his vicious fighting skills. When Lee was 18 we grew tired if the boring life and one day just left to become a hero. With just 200 dollars to spend on a costume he decided to go to Costume Warehouse, a place where all budget heroes go to buy suits. After looking in the super-budget section he decided to get a orange suit that increased his power by "a lot" well thats what the salesman said to him when he bought it. Lee wanting to honor his favorite hero decided to call himself the Orange Mask but got a call from the real Orange Mask lawyer to change it. So now he calls himself the Light-Orange Mask and fights crime when he sees it while also trying to keep his job at Target as a cashier.