So the other day I had an idea for a space rp. I went ahead and designed some races, a few characters, and a rough plot. I quickly sketched the aliens so that people can get an idea of what they look like. Everything's pretty much ready, so if there are enough interested people, we can go right into it. This is my first time as GM, so if something seems out of place or doesn't make sense, please let me know. [b]Your character:[/b] You are a freshly graduated space cadet, boarding the spaceship Valor. This large flag ship houses 372 individuals (including the new recruits like yourself) and 22 smaller ships used for a variety of purposes. This is not your first trek into space, but it is your first one as a fully realized member of the U.A.T.F. (Universally Allied Tactical Fleet). [b]Plot:[/b] It’s all smooth sailing on your first mission to explore an unmapped planet, until the Valor receives an incoming message from an unidentified distress beacon near your location. You have been assigned to a small reconnaissance team, two members of which are seasoned veterans of the ship. You know them to be a human woman named Vivessa who’s as quick witted as she is kind, and a strange Tobeckian alien named Jajaque (Z-sha z-shock) who seems to defy every stereotype you know about his race. Though you are not personally familiar with them beyond the few short hours you’ve been under their command, they have presented themselves as diligent individuals. [b]Setting:[/b] The fleet: The U.A.T.F. specializes in handling delicate political situations which have a potential to turn into all-out war. The training program a cadet undergoes consists of two years of general studies and two years of specialized studies. Living on campus at a U.A.T.F. certified school is required with rare exception, to encourage cadets to bond with each other before undergoing any extreme situations. Required general studies beyond basic academics include, but are not limited to, flight simulations, astronomy, physical education, and basic combat training. The fleet itself is led by 3 flag ships from 3 different nations. The current races heading the force are the Humans, the Urt, and the Amerant. These flag ships are accompanied by a mixed species group of smaller vessels, ranging from 100 crewmen operated warships to single man space fighters which dock in the larger ships. During the ship construction process, designers from different races will often come together to create hybrid ships that borrow technology from the different races, thus creating better models and stronger alliances. [hider=Extraterrestrials of the U.A.T.F.] [hider=The Tobecks] [img][/img] (Tobeck, Tobeckian, average lifespan 300 years) A race characterize by the promiscuity they possess amongst themselves accompanied by the extreme negativity fostered towards interspecies relationships. They have a life cycle spanning five stages. Stage one is spent in a spawning vat, a womb-like pit of living tissue which can vary in size and is filled with a nutrient rich, crimson sludge. The vats are usually built by those contributing genetics. Most Tobecks do not have names at this point, as they are hardly considered individuals, and are simply referred to as ‘Spawn’. Each time a Tobeck heads into the next stage of their life, they return to a spawning vat for a few days, or even weeks. In the second stage, The Tobeck is at its smallest stable form, and its most vulnerable. Their bones are extremely soft, making death a common occurrence if even slight injuries are sustained. Most Tobecks stay near a guardian (careful, matured Tobecks who live in the biomass that houses the vats). Some dare to venture outside early, but this is considered foolish. A Tobeck in this stage is referred to as a ‘Gummy’. In later stages this word is used as an insult that implies weakness, immaturity, and/or fragility. Some Tobeck are given names by sentimental Caretakers (Tobeck who gauge the ‘worthiness’ in young offspring) or guardians during this time, though this can lead to much loss and sadness if the Gummy does not survive. In the third stage, the children undergo physical and mental trials. While their bodies have firmed and their brains developed significantly, there are few who meet the expectations of the judgmental Caretakers. Those who do not are branded and labeled “Abashed”, a derogatory term for the lesser people. It is uncommon for Abashed to achieve much greatness, as they do tend to have poorer characteristics, but it’s not unheard of for them to get the label removed, given they display exemplary traits in their later life. While the divide between Abashed and Unabashed is not as large as it once was in a more primitive time, the tradition still carries on, and the tension is palpable. This is the stage in which Tobecks are all given a name if they have not already chosen one. While still considered children, if the Tobeck in this stage is Unabashed, it is rude to call them so. In stage four, the Tobeck has reached maturity. Their physical form is completely solidified and they show all of the characteristics of their genetic strains. Now more robust than most humans, Amerant, or Isboetoes, the Tobecks at this part of their life tend to have a gentle strength to them. Many Tobeck do not proceed to the next stage. Tobecks are considered adults in all rights once they reach this stage, and are given complete independence if they have not already earned it. Stage five is an optional second pupation. While it can be painful to undergo, it is a very sacred rite of passage for Tobeck who have proved themselves to be extraordinary in some way. War heroes, diplomats, artists, and beloved politicians alike are given this honor. No abashed can achieve this properly, without first getting their brand removed. The Tobeck will spend no less than three weeks in a vat built specifically for them, not very dissimilar from the one they were born in. This is considered an extremely private affair, and more often than not only those conducting the ceremony and the Tobeck undergoing it will be present. If a Tobeck so chooses, however, they may invite others in to witness the end of the ceremony, or to accompany them while their body reforms in the vat. Once the Tobeck emerges, they will be stronger, smarter, faster, more nimble, and larger. This is the peak of maturity, where they are as strong as Urten, as clever as humans, as wise as Isboetoes, and as smart as Amerants. Stage five Tobecks have been known to live for thousands of years, far exceeding their less developed counterparts. Different Tobecks come from different genetic strains, giving them different characteristics. While interbreeding between different strains is common, it is rare for a Tobeck to exhibit qualities from more than one. The strains are as follows: Warrior- Built for strength, warriors exhibit the most plating, and the thickest skin. While all adult Tobecks have plates, these are full-covering and function well as armor against blunt objects. They tend to adhere more strictly to social expectations, and exhibit less raw academic skill. Serpent- The plating of these Tobecks is small, and nearly scale like. Like snakes, Tobeck of this strain have clear eye lids, allowing them to serve as excellent watchmen, or observers. They tend to exhibit attentiveness, and be unconventional. Aqua- Adapted to living in the large puddles which make up 30% of the Tobeckian home world, this strain’s Tobecks have webbed fingers and fins, as well as large, paddle like feet. Their plating is smooth like polished river stones, and tends to be muted or green in color. Aqua Tobecks are often fans of zero gravity, as it is more like swimming than walking is, and thus tend to serve as excellent deep space explorers. They can be easily lost in their own trains of thought, but serve as superb company. Issor- Issor Tobecks, often referred to as the ‘common strain’ is the most common type of genetic strain. They exhibit high intelligence and perform well in classrooms or groups. Their plating is sparser than that of the other strains, but still fairly ridged. Most of these Tobecks exhibit a friendly disposition. [/hider] [hider=The Amerants] [img][/img] (Amerant, Amerantian, average lifespan 100 years) Fairly human-like in nature despite being insect-like physically, Amerant culture has assimilated comfortably into humanity, and it is not uncommon to see the two races living together. The Amerants evolved from subterranean life on a planet almost entirely devoid of surface water and completely absent of vertebrates. However, expansive underground caverns housed pockets of warm, wet, micro ecosystems, creating varied creatures from one to the next. It was through sheer ingenuity that the small community developed a way to terraform large compartments of their own planet, and expand their civilization, until they were space fairing. Looking not dissimilar to giant, blue praying mantises, Amerants have a three stage life cycle. The first stage is as an egg, which has an incubation period of 10 and a half months. The changes between the last two stages are very subtle, save for the development of fully functional wings, growth in size, and a soft striping in colors that varies from individual to individual. Amerants are hard bodied, and shed an exoskeleton every 6 months. They tend to grow to about 4 feet in height, making them the shortest of the races in the U.A.T.F. Amerant culture is very receptive to new ideas and other races’ ways of life, as their moral principles are mostly founded on fostering originality. Many Amerants grow up to be artists, and free spirited inventors. With such a focus on intellect and expression in their society, Amerants tend to be extremely well educated. While Amerants are relatively weak, most can become excellent gunmen, or pilots, if they do not wish to follow the more typical path of a scientist. There are few battle oriented Amerants, but those that are tend to shy away from their own culture, as expressions of platonic love, joy, bonding, and companionship are celebrated more openly than within the other races, despite the differences any two individuals may have. [/hider] [hider=The Isboetoes] [img][/img] (Isboeto, Isboetish, average lifespan 2,000 years) An ancient species that lives life slowly, Isboetoes are sloth like in their mannerisms. Slow speech and movement makes them bad on the battlefield, but their age gives them an advantage when it comes to knowledge and technology. At first, this species was not keen on sharing what they knew with others, but over time began to let respected individuals access their databases, and libraries. They have served as a sort of cultivator for many races, often discovering them before they were capable of space flight, and simply observing until the species would make contact themselves. As a sort of mediator between all governments, the Isboetoes were the ones who founded U.A.T.F. Exceptionally tube-like and tall creatures, the average Isboeto towers at 8 feet high, and is a very heavy creature. Walking on four opposable hands that double as feet, they are very adept at climbing vertically, despite their weight. For those outside their race, it can be exceptionally difficult to tell individuals apart, as they are all nearly identical to outsiders, and have a single stage life cycle, in which they reach adulthood by year 30. Thus, size has nothing to do with the respect an Isboeto has, but rather, their intellectual maturity and knowledge dictates their standing in society. Many Isboetoes care to serve as walking libraries, large packs of books fastens securely on their backs for all too read. While they are extremely open with each other when it comes to what they know, at this time, they still tend to only impart wisdom on elder fifth stage Tobecks, and occasional Human or Amerant. Their home planet of Baildo is a cold desert, and so they have developed a very thick, white skin. Isboetoes prefer this temperature, and are capable of inhabiting worlds that the other species find completely inhospitable. They are sensitive to heat, however, and in temperatures comfortable to a human, must wear a cooling suit to remain healthy. Isboetoes involved in ship life thus are never seen outside of these full-body uniforms. [/hider] [hider=The Urten] [img][/img] (Urt, Urtun, average lifespan 500 years) A gruff, war based race, with exceptionally great physical prowess, the Urten possess a mighty militia that they are not afraid to put to good use. An Urt has a two face life cycle. Adolescence: where they have little to no brains to speak of, and adulthood: where strength can be found in places other than your fist in an enemy’s face. During the first cycle, the Urt is a fat, round, and dense mass of limbs. Two long arms and two legs give the Urt an ape like gait when moving. Urten are covered in a thick and matted fur, coming in a variety of bright colors to warn off ancient predators long dead or domesticated. A rough home world composed of thousands of conflicting predators raised the Urten as its champion through luck, skill, and natural selection. As a quick breeding race with a short life span originally, the Urten fought their way through a hostile environment until they had become the apex predator. Not many years after developing basic technology, the population had grown far too large for the planet, and civil war erupted, lasting for generations. The advances in science were primarily due to the need to outsmart the enemy, until space travel was created. As a means of ending the suffering, warring factions called a truce in order to set up a colony on a foreign planet. Thought tensions between different sects remain high, and the long ago created genes of a true warrior still design the mold of the fat, and muscular, bipedal race the Urten have had peace for several decades, as life spans increased greatly over time, and survival began to grow more precious than honor. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Important planets/locations] Earth-Human home world. Taslo-Tobeckian home world. Dyiema-Amerantian home world. Baildo-Isboetish home world. Sparsh-Urtun home world. Mau vii-Unexplored planet. Nebula way station-The nearest space port to Mau vii capable of housing the Valor. Mostly populated by Humans and Amerants, though it was originally Urtun in design. Gnashu’s Den-Trade station for goods and services orbiting a planet near Mau vii. It is a self-sufficient market place, with many Urten living permanently within its large capacity. [/hider] [hider=Character field types] Medical: Those who have studied in this field have received extensive medical training. From surgeries to administering medicine, they are the doctors of the U.A.T.F., and healers of the wounded. Sent in small numbers with away teams (often as few as 1), these persons are sent on the widest variety of tasks, other than those in command line work. Science: Experienced in a field of scientific study (biology, zoology, chemistry, geology, etc.) these individuals serve as experts in specific situations. Many study several similar fields, in order to apply their knowledge effectively. They are most often involved in missions sent to planets with new alien life, unfamiliar substances, or other unexplained phenomena. Engineering: Technologically minded and intelligent, those in this field are familiar with the makings of the ships themselves, and/or with weaponry, scientific equipment, and medicinal devices. They can make complex repairs to equally complex devices. Most of them spend their days on their ships, though there are specific mission circumstances where some will go planet side with a team. As well, it can be a good idea to have at least one engineer on long missions, in the event that there are any mechanical or technological malfunctions. Command: These individuals are leaders, heads of subgroups, committees, and more. Studying to be commanders of their own teams, or ships, the people in this field dabble in all the others, enough to familiarize themselves with important components and organize all the different facets of a team. There is always at least one person in the command track on any given mission or group task, barring unforeseen circumstances. Some in other fields study command partly, in order to lead groups in their specialized area. Communications: The smallest of a shrinking expertise by far, these individuals typically specialize as translators for those unable to use universal devices. With improvement to technology, less of these specialists are around than just a few years ago. However, the focus of their work has shifted more towards the general communication between ships, and making sure information is delivered from superior officers to their troops. A translator is usually only sent on missions off of their ship involving other sentient life. Navigation: The pilots of ships of all sizes, planet side vehicles and anything else with an engine. These individuals are extremely familiar with the different charted areas of space, and the hazards that accompany them. They often go planet side in order to operate the vehicles the mission team will travel and enter/exit orbit in. Hybrid: A combination of any two other specializations. [/hider] [hider=Important Characters] [b]Senior Master Sergeant Missa Luar Riun[/b] (Mis-uh Loo-ar Re-oon): Superior officer of the spaceship Valor, chief officer of this section of the U.A.T.F. fleet. 152, F, Urtan. [b]Major Vivessa Jones[/b] (Viv-es-ah Joe-ns): Command officer of the Valor, head of the small team BETA. 28, F, Human. [b]Jajaque[/b] (Z-sha z-shock): Science officer of the Valor, part of team BETA. 64, M, Tobeckian. [b]Zuja[/b] (Su-sha): Combat specialist of the Valor. 72, M, Tobeckian. [b]Ammon Devo[/b] (Um-on Dee-vo): Head of the engineering division on the Valor. 49, F, Amerantian. [b]Ki’Dar’alo[/b] (Key-Dare all-oh): An ancient archivist anyone in the U.A.T.F. can contact with historical or factual questions that are not logged on present-day technology. 1,395, F, Isboetish. [b]Noska[/b]: Leader of the Srellik. 64, F, Tobeckian. [b]Redu’ll Mareh[/b]: Noska’s right hand. 124, F, Isboetish. [b]Messmera Laren[/b]: Brilliant Hacker. 20, M, Amerantian. [b]Gemma Hoffman[/b]: Trained mercenary. 29, F, human. [b]Desba Armiss[/b]: Trained mercenary. 32, M, Amerantian. [b]Shoey Morse[/b]: Merc. 77, M, Urtan. [/hider] [hider=Rules] • You can make up technology, so long as it’s not completely ridiculous. No keys that can open a wormhole to anywhere in the universe, or instantaneous vaporizer guns that can destroy planets. • Unless your character is good and sneaky, don’t make them too much of a rule breaker. The goal of this role play is not to get kicked out of the fleet. Don’t tempt your superior officers too badly. • Personally problems are one thing, dangerous behavior is another. If you’re having trouble deciding if something is going too far or not, consider if it would get you kicked out of the present-day military, or sent to prison. • If you’re going to play as one of the alien species, please try to keep the short descriptions of their cultures and life cycles in mind. While a character that breaks the norm can be compelling and interesting, one completely detached from their culture makes the connection meaningless in this situation. • No auto hits. Pose combat actions as attempts, unless you have been told to do otherwise. • Character traits and skills should be reasonably balanced. No one is good at everything, even if they’re a super genius that’s a million years old. That’s my character, Mary Sue. She’s perfect, and has that vaporizer gun I was talking about earlier. Also she has a cat named Mittens. :3c [/hider] [hider=Character Skeleton] -Character photo optional- Name: (Full name, please) Age: (22-150. Keep your species in mind when choosing this) Species: (Human/Tobeckian/Amerantian/Isboetish/Urtan) Gender: (Male/Female/Agender) Field: (Medical/Science/Engineering/Command/Communication/Navigation. if hybrid, list both fields) Appearance: (Written) Personality: (1 paragraph minimum describing your character’s mannerisms) Biography: (3 paragraph minimum describing important events or people in your character’s life, including their experience at the academy) [/hider]