[center][h2]Characters[/h2][/center] [hr] [b][u]Cuccoruler[/u][/b] [hider=Cia] [h2]Cia Milton[/h2] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/b41Wxav.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Cia Milton [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] 25 [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] Brown, they are now green though [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Cia is a very happy go lucky kind of girl, she finds the bright side of everything no matter what the situation, she often even brings people togeather with her great attitude. Cia is also seen as a natural born Leader due to her great ability to lead others who need help. Cia however has been known to snap and go on a complete rampage when something she cares about is hurt. Her language also becomes very vulgar when this happens. [b][u]Type[/u][/b]: Type 3 [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Cia can move and crush multiple objects with her mind, this normally isn't noticable as she uses it at long range for the most part, however she has been known to create a sort of ethereal arms to use from time to time. Cia's limit to this power though is that she can't pick up something heavier than a car. Cia can not pick up other people, however she can pick up herself and float around for a short while. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Cia was born into a rather nice family. They cared for her even when she first exhibited her powers. She was born with heavily deformed arms that had to be amputated when she was a young. At the age of 13 her abilities awakened, her life from there seemed to get easier as she had a far easier time moving around and even getting up. However once the Gifted Genocide began her family was killed trying to protect her. She was able to get away and has since worked to help protect other Gifted with The Conclave. [b][u]Post Example[/u][/b] [b][u]Other[/u][/b] Cia has a pet seagull that she has named Greg. [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrdEMERq8MA]Always Look on the Bright Side of Life[/url] [/hider] [hider=Cinia Pacifica] [h2]Cinia Pacifica[/h2] [hr] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80276264/swordgirls/images/100334L.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b]Cinia Pacifica [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 27 [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] Brown [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] : Cinia is a strong supporter of the gifted and rather out spoken. She doesn’t have many followers but she is constantly trying to give them support as she sees them as actual people who can help. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b]: Cinia was a nobody for most of her childhood, that was until her life was saved by a gifted with super strength. The gifted had saved her from getting hit by a drunk driver that could have killed her. Ever since then she has been working to bring support to the Gifted. She started as a blogger but later became a news anchor then had her own segment on a popular news channel. In her segment she often ranted about how Gifted were people and deserved to be treated as such. Others had often tried to shut her down but none had succeeded as she had high ratings during her segments. [b][u]Other[/u][/b]: Cinia runs a segment called “Bringing down the Hammer” Where she often rants about current issues in society very often it is the treatment of Gifted in the world, but she has been known to rant about the economy more than a few times. As well as Callahan’s leadership abilities. [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3UlW7xG8s8]News Theme[/url] [/hider] [b][u]ArkmageddonCat[/u][/b] [hider=John Reynolds] [h2]John Reynolds[/h2] [hr] [img]http://i960.photobucket.com/albums/ae82/TotallyRealistic/400px-Corvoattanodishonored_zpsece70c1b.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] John Reynolds [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 24 [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] Left is Brown, Right is like...Bluish Purple [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] He is very remorseful, yet if one pays close enough attention they can tell that he has hope. It's actually almost like he's planning something...but nobody could ever guess what that could be. He has been known to spare Gifted with harmless abilities, while capturing those with harmful ones. Doesn't make much difference to the Gifted population, but at least he's one of the more merciful hunters. In fact, the only reason he even kills at all is to save his own life from execution. [b][u]Type[/u][/b]: Type 1, but is assumed to be a Type 4 by his superiors [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Psychological: John has the power of telepathy, and can use his power to read minds or communicate over long distances. He has been trained to use his powers to track down other gifted, though his superiors think he is only a Type 4 Gifted, and so he has secretly trained himself how to read minds and communicate telepathically. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] John grew up as a fairly normal kid, taking a great liking to video games and movies and books. He enjoyed watching and reading these fantasies, and wished he could be in one himself. But as time went on John realized what an impossible dream that might be, because he began to notice that he was just a nobody. There was nothing truly special about him, and aside from being slightly above average in school - he really didn't do anything else. No sports, no extracurricular activities, no nothing. Just your average Joe...or...John. That is, until his eighteenth birthday; where his right eye changed color and he began to sense these...things. He didn't know what he was feeling, but one day he got curious enough to follow one of these 'feelings', and he came up to a house just as the authorities arrived at the door. He took cover and watched as the house was raided and a girl was taken out...she had mismatched eye colors, just like him! What was happening?! Why did they want her? Was it cause her eyes were different?! John figured they might want to take him away too, and he wanted to run away from here before he was noticed...but...that girl...she needed help. She was struggling and resisting, then suddenly she looked at John and screamed to him for help. His mind seared with an intense sensation, and he recognized it as the 'feeling' he followed over here...but...wait...the men who were capturing her turned and saw him. He panicked and got up to run, but...no...the sensation filled his head...and he felt brave...he had to help, he had to try. John tried in vain, and was captured. The girl and him were taken and enslaved; John was trained and forced to work as a hunter to find more gifted, and to the best of John's knowledge...the girl was strapped into a chair, forced to incite bravery into the hunters in training. [b][u]Post Example[/u][/b] [hider=OG Thread Intro]John was wrapping gauze around his head and over his purple eye, making sure to get the bandage under his hair so as to not make it so obvious. He had already put some dried meat from a hamburger under the gauze and over his eye, so as to make it look swollen. Once finished, he looked himself over in the mirror and decided he'd done a decent enough job trying to blend in. Might not fool a doctor, but it should certainly trick somebody who doesn't know a thing about medical practices. John then opened the door to the men's restroom inside a burger joint, looking around the place with his one, uncovered eye. It was weird, this whole one-eyed concept, but it was necessary. John walked the door to leave, and a woman was approaching the door to enter. John opened the door and stood to the side to let the lady in, to which he noticed she gasped slightly at the sight of his eye. But the woman didn't speak, she just hurried through the door. John took that as a sign of success, and left the burger joint to take in his surroundings as best as he could. Now, with his disguise complete, it was on to the true matter; the Gifted he could sense nearby. So John walked up and down the sidewalk on one side of the road until he pin-pointed the location of the nearby Gifted and crossed the street to intercept.[/hider] [b][u]Other[/u][/b] -He is a Hunter. -He dual wields telescoping shock batons. -He's a naturally good tinkerer, and can take apart, put together, or just modify weapons. [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLzOoQHAZgc]Live Free Or Let Me Die[/url] [/hider] [Hider=Mayumi Rhiza] [h2]Mayumi Rhiza[/h2] [hr] Current - Age 13-14 [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSvUpGwO5I_aMOi34r4v24biH4AvkfdCLr1L1J4WS3OJenVUC1JA[/img] [hider=Future]Age 16-18 [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSwREK4xLuQFEf_jsvJ_MF2MOkMqcFWN142wzBZ-tsdgZAPKdirA[/img][/hider] [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Mayumi Rhiza Nicknames: Prefers 'Maya' as a nickname [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 13 [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] Left eye is Blue, Right eye is Magenta [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Mayumi is a quiet and not very talkative young girl, and gives off an aura of depression and mystery. She does not talk about her past, and when she talks it is often in a soft voice that hints at sadness...though at the same time it is underlined with compassion and understanding. Beneath it all, Mayumi is a sweet, kind, and gentle person who is almost unknown to the feeling of anger. [b][u]Type[/u][/b]: 1 [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Psychological: Mayumi has an enchanted voice that she can use to affect the minds and emotions of all who hear her, most commonly used in the form of music and song. Her voice alone carries an almost unnatural sense of compassion and understanding, and because of this she is a good communicator. She can also sing and inspire certain emotions, like bravery, in her listeners; or perhaps use a song to calm them down or ease their mental pain. However, her voice can only reach the ears of those who are willing to listen. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Mayumi's parents were both born in America; Her mother was half Japanese, while her father was a mixture of European nationalities. Mayumi lived quite happily for the 13 years she spent with her family, getting good grades in school and spending plenty of quality time with her parents. She was a happy young girl who almost always got what she wanted, but mostly just because she didn't ask for much in the first place. But everything changed after her 13th birthday when she turned into a gifted, and her parents gave their lives to make sure that she would survive. A few weeks later she turned up at an orphanage for Gifted children, which was most often maintained maintained by an arm-less woman named Cia. [b][u]Post Example[/u][/b] *Uses Get Out Of Jail Free card to bypass this section* [b][u]Other[/u][/b] -Recently turned Gifted who lives at the orphanage with Cia [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uARn2MCUZN4[/url] [/hider] [b][u]TheDarkTemplar[/u][/b] [hider=Pariah] [h2]Codename: Pariah[/h2] [hr] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/15/56/1215565183183e90f4f81903ec51ba34.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Unknown [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 28 [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] [color=fff200]Yellow[/color] and [color=f7941d]Orange[/color] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Pariah knows only one thing, The Hunt. Her entire being is put into what she does and it shows as she is an individual void of empathy and her methods of capture or kill ensures that whoever her prey is they won't find refuge for long. Strangely enough happiness is an emotion she feels but almost exclusively when listening to music. [b][u]Type[/u][/b]: 3 [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Visual: Smoke Shot- by siphoning smoke from nearby sources Pariah is capable of firing that smoke in a concentrated blast from her hands. The smoke shot can obscure vision, cause choking, burn the eyes, and more depending on what type of smoke/gas she absorbs. Passive: Terror Gaze- if one is unfortunate enough to be interrogated by Pariah they will be subjected to her favorite torture method. By staring her victims in the eye she activates the terror stare which forces the victim to see Pariah as the embodiment of their greatest fears. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Shortly after the discovery of the Gifted race the newly formed Department for Metahuman Affairs launched Project Wardens. A form of supersoldier program meant to turn the gifted against their own kin and to aid Hunters in their line of work. The project involved the capture of rare Level 3 Gifted and subjugating them to indoctrination. This process was so intensive that by the time it is over the subjects became obedient supporters of the DMA and the Gifted Genocide. Pariah is a result of the Warden Project. Taken from her parents shortly after being discovered as a Gifted she was put through intensive indoctrination, torture, and training. The result was the complete destruction of the individual who arrived at the Warden Project facility. What came after is The Pariah. A focused, highly skilled, Gifted Hunter with ruthless execution of her task. [b][u]Other[/u][/b] Pariah's SWC-Volt Rifle is an assault rifle that fires full automatic electrified rounds. There are two types of ammunition that can be fired from the SWC-Volt, the stun rounds which are nonlethal pellets that release a powerful electric discharge into the victim upon impact capable of incapacitating an individual for a few minutes. The lethal rounds are hollow-point rounds with a fatal electric discharge. The reason for the lethal rounds being hollow-pointed is that on impact the round expands and fragments itself in the body causing catastrophic damage to internal organs and tissue. [b][u]Post Example[/u][/b] The large doors of the training room opened with a loud mechanical hum. The doors came to a stop once enough space was made for humans to pass through and enter the traning room which was more like an area with its impressive size. The ground was littered with dozens of damaged automatons and at the center sat a young woman of twenty years. Bloody and bruised she sat there, her hands were cut, grazed, and bruised. Yet despite her numerous injuries she did not look to be in pain. Instead she showed anger, intense rage emanated from her as she waited for the individuals who entered to speak. "Pariah what happened?", a woman spoke in a disappointed tone. She recieved no response which angered her and she asked again only in a more serious tone. "I asked you what happened? You stopped using your powers and began punching the drones" "I didn't need my powers to break them", Pariah spoke with unbridled rage in every word. "Be that as it may, you've caused yourself multiple injuries in the process, injuries that would kill most and you as well...but they didn't. Why?" "I'm alive because of my hate" "You're hatred? Hatred for who?", Pariah's handler's intrigue was piqued. There was a possibility of two things, that Pariah's hatred for Gifted was strong enough for her to move onto the next phase...or that she hated humans so much she stopped feeling pain. Hopefully it was the former of the two. "My hatred for myself, the abominations, they put me here and for that I will kill them!", Pariah was about to stare her trainer in the eye but was stopped by her shock collar which her trainer activated once she saw Pariah begin to look up. "That's good Pariah, you will have your chance to do so. But for now you need to learn to control your anger. If you let it do to you what it did today they will kill you before you even get close to taking revenge...now lets run the exercise again. This time, powers only", the trainer exited the room and the doors closed once more with a satisfying thud as the training exercise was initiated. [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://youtu.be/yIX7RQoeaVE]The Sentinel by Celldweller[/url] [center]SWC-Volt Rifle[/center] [center][img]http://web.ccpgamescdn.com/dust/img/universe/light_weapons_02.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Cole] [color=ed1c24][center][h2][b][u]Cole Harland[/u][/b][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://eclipsemagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/AidanPhillipeBossesyfy.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [color=ed1c24][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 28 [color=ed1c24][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] Male [color=ed1c24][b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b][/color][color=ed1c24]Red[/color] and [b]White[/b] [color=ed1c24][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] Cole's childhood combined with his adult life has made him a rather harsh man. His time in both the MRF and The Conclave has taken many friends and loved ones from him and in truth there isn't much left for him. He is a no nonsense guy with a deep hatred for humans and the DMA. Despite all this he isn't so bad once you get to know him. [color=ed1c24][b][u]Type:[/u][/b][/color] 3 [color=ed1c24][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/color] Psychological-Cole is capable of taking control of the living and the dead, specifically animals but humans as well if pushed hard enough though this can prove extremely dangerous as it causes him to fall unconscious after extended use. Physical-He is also capable of healing himself by leeching off the life force of a living organism. [color=ed1c24][b][u]Bio[/u][/b][/color] Cole knew hardship before he turned. His mother had died giving birth to his little sister. Wrought with grief his father took to drinking, so much so he became abusive to his children. Due to his father's inability to show up to work sober, Cole had to work to provide for the family at sixteen. Despite his father remaining an abusive drunk life was relatively steady for a time. When he was eighteen was when his lift changed forever. His little sister, Anne, was murdered on her way home from school. While the police did their searches, Cole knew exactly who it was. However instead of telling the authorities Cole took matters into his own hands. It didn't take long for him to find his sister's killer and what happened next would destroy who he once was. Cole cornered the man in an alley and beat him relentlessly. When he was just holding onto life, in that moment Cole's abilities activated. The veins in his hands and arms turned black and when he went to grab the man his entire life force was siphoned from him. Cole's newfound abilities put him in more danger than he would be if he just killed the man normally. He as now a Gifted, and a hybrid at that, which meant he would be targeted by both the military and the DMA. Shortly after abandoning home he joined up with the MRF and quickly moved up the ranks. For a while he knew stability, a place to call home. That was years ago, currently Cole travels alone doing everything necessary to survive. [color=ed1c24][b][u]Post Example[/u][/b][/color] A man sat in chair at the center of a room with a black bag over his head. The place seemed to be abandoned and the only light source was from the holes in the boarded up window. The rays of light illuminated the dust particles that floated around the dimly lit room. The bagged man was unconscious but soon awoke to darkness. As one would expect it caused him to become alarmed and he soon began to call out for help. His cries alerted a man outside the room to enter but his heavy footsteps did not comfort the bagged man. [b]"Listen whoever you are just let me go! I won't tell anyone about this I swear to god just don't hurt me!"[/b], his pleading did nothing but have his captor remove the bag. His reaction was instantaneous horror, [b]"NO NO NO NOT YOU OH GOD PLEASE NO!-"[/b] before he could finish his rambling Cole delivered a punch to the man's jaw. He quickly silenced himself as the pain prevented him from continuing to scream. [color=ed1c24][b]"Are you done? Good, because it's my turn to talk"[/b][/color], Cole took a step back and began to pace around his captive. His eyes locked on the man with a look of sheer hatred and scorn. [color=ed1c24][b]"I know you've been following me...Terrance Crewe. I know you aren't a hunter and I know you aren't a bad person. I know you lost your family to a gifted and you've become this Gifted-Hunter. In truth I don't give a shit who you are or what you've been through. You are making my life very difficult. In truth I could have left the bag on you and dropped you off at a gas station or something but you'd still hunt my kind....however this is way is more enjoyable for me"[/b][/color] [b]"PLEASE NO NO NO N-"[/b], It was too late. Cole grabbed Terrance by the throat and within seconds life left his body. The blood vessels around his neck became black and he seemed to have been starved within seconds. His eyes were sunken in and his face looked as if it had seen the devil in his last moments. When it was over Cole felt an overwhelming sense of euphoria as he leaned against the wall of the room. [color=ed1c24][b]"One less regular to worry about.."[/b][/color], he said as he got off the wall. His business here was done, Cole left the body where it lay and exited the abandoned building. Outside waiting was his car which he quickly got into but before he turned the ignition a thought entered his head. [color=ed1c24][i]"This is the second time a non-hunter has come after me. Maybe it's time I got backup...[/i][/color], he didn't think about it for long before he started up the car and sped away. He was heading for town, perhaps he'd find a like minded Gifted. [url=https://youtu.be/n9ehbkfyonc]Cole's Theme[/url] [/hider] [b][u]smarty0114[/u][/b] [hider=Finn] Finn Lockhart [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/memory-gamma/images/7/72/Under-the-dome-wallpaper-colin-ford_1251048491-1-.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140708100939[/img] Name: Finn Lockhart Age: 16 Eye Colors: Blue and Red Personality: Finn is everyone's best friend. That's the simplest way to put it. He's closed off at first but once he gets to know you he's a nice guy, and if you've earned his trust, he'll protect you to the best of his ability. He's grown up a lot in the past two years and as a result, he's much smarter than you would expect. While his gift is one mainly designed for offense, Finn prefers pursuits of the mind, and he's always had an interest in books. He's extremely curious as well, and refuses to drop anything that interests him. Type: Type 2 Abilities Physical: Finn has the ability to manipulate fire. Not anything big like make pillars of flame appear from his hands or wrap himself in a shroud of flames and walk through lava. No. All he can really do is create enough fire in the palm of his hand and then cultivate it, and even toss a few fireballs around. His hands are completely resistant to flames but the rest of his body can still be burned, though it can take a lot more than the average individual. Bio: Finn was born into a large family. The second born of five siblings, he was never lonely. His parents were politicians who worked a lot, but they loved their children a lot, and made that clear when they saw them. Finn was always closest to his older sister, Lucy. Being the oldest they looked after their younger brothers, triplets Alex, George, and Derek. However when Finn turned thirteen his life took a sharp turn. He snapped at his dog, Walter to get him to come and a spark flew from his fingers. No one noticed to Finn's relief, but that night he practiced in the quiet of his bedroom. He discovered that he could make a small flame appear in the palm of his hand and he was terrified. He knew what they did to Gifted and he didn't want that same fate. So he kept it a secret, telling no one but Lucy, who was sworn to secrecy. Soon however, Lucy convinced Finn to tell his parents. They were very accepting of their son's gift and began trying to rally support for a law that would protect the Gifted from discrimination although they found it hard to garner any help. Finn felt as if his life would turn out fine. However it soon took a turn. When Finn turned fourteen the Gifted Genocide began, and his parents were killed. While it was disguised as a car accident, he and his sister suspected it was because of the work they did to help the Gifted. Lucy promised to protect him but Finn refused, deciding instead that if he wanted to keep his siblings safe, he would have to leave. And leave he did. He was found by a member of the Conclave after a scuffle with a hunter. Injured and exhausted, Finn was brought to the Conclave base in Manhattan where they stitched him up. He decided that he would join them instead of being relocated, determined to see a world where the Gifted weren't hunted like foxes. He's now working with the Conclave to find any Gifted and offer them help. Post Example [hider=Example] The black BMW came to a stop in the parking lot of an old diner, jerking Finn forward in the passenger seat just slightly. He looked over at the driver, a girl that could pass for twenty but was only about 17. Her golden hair was bulled back in a ponytail, exposing her one blue eye, and her one green one. She met his gaze and smiled. "It's a beautiful night to save a Gifted," she said before stepping out of the car. Finn followed suit, stepping out into the Manhattan chill. He pulled his dark coat tighter around his slim frame before rubbing his gloved hands together. "Jessica, do you really think this girl will show?" he asked quietly as they stepped into the diner, a tinkling ringing throughout the building that signaled their entrance. "Well if she doesn't I'd be very surprised. Not many people refuse our help. Especially not in these cheery times," Jessica replied. The bitter sarcasm that she used in the last sentence told Finn that the conversation was over. A waitress made her way over to them and motioned for them to follow. She sat them at a booth in the far back by the window, and left them with the promise of coffee and a tired smile. Finn lazily scanned the menu while also checking the parking lot for any new arrivals. "I've got a bad feeling about this Jessica. You said you sensed Gifted across the street. What if we've got Hunters on our tail?" Finn hissed, his eyes darting to the window again. Jessica laughed. "Finn we've dealt with those before and if they show up again we'll show them why people should take us living GPS units more seriously." Finn shook his head and smirked. Jessica was one of the toughest people he knew. But she tended to throw caution to the wind when it came to Hunters. It wasn't long before Jessica tapped the table twice in rapid succession, the duo's signal that meant she could sense a Gifted. Finn looked up as the bell above the door tinkled. Finn saw a girl, about 16 with dark brown hair make their way toward them. She slid into the booth next to Jessica and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from her jacket pocket. "You're them. You left this note I assume. Meet in the back booth of Maureen's at 10:30? You know I almost didn't come. But then I thought about it and I knew they'd find me. I just knew it and I can't bring my family into this. I just can't," the girl said in a voice just louder than a whisper. Jessica turned to the girl and put a hand on her shoulder. "Mary, we know it's hard. But we can help. It's kind of our job. We help people like you and we get them somewhere safe." Mary nodded. Finn could tell she'd already decided what she'd do. Jessica was right. Not many refused the help of the Conclave. "Mary, if we're gonna go we should leave quickly. Some Hunters have been spotted in the area and they'll be on us soon. Jessica then turned to Finn and gave him a look. A look that meant something very bad. "Mary," she said, not once taking her eyes off of Finn, "I want you to walk very calmly into the bathroom. Barricade the door and hide as best you can. When it is safe to come out I will knock twice on the door very quickly. Only come out if you hear that knock. Now go," Jessica said, her voice calm. "How close are they?" Finn asked once Mary had gotten to the safety of the bathroom. "Close. They're almost here. I'm feeling like they're both Type 2's but I'm not positive," Jessica said. As she finished her sentence the bell rang and a man and a woman walked into the bar. As the bar cleared out, the two new guests showing their badges. Once the bar had cleared Finn and Jessica stood up and faced the duo. "So you're the two assholes who've been stalking us. Well let's do this," Finn said, sparking a flame in his hands. [/hider] Other: Finn works with a member of the Conclave named Jessica and she's definitely Finn's closest friend. Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1X7YLJBtLk]Finn's Theme[/url] [/hider] [hider=Jessica] Jessica Thompson [img]http://cdn.movieweb.com/img.site/PHoTerruiX6Ysp_1_m.jpg[/img] Name: Jessica Thompson Age: 17 Eye Colors: Blue and Grey Personality: Jessica is tough. She's had to be all these years. She's fiercely devoted to the Gifted cause and does everything she can to help. On the outside she may seem cold and spiteful, but once you get to know her, she is considerably more friendly. She doesn't trust many humans due to an incident that happened to her but she doesn't outright hate them. She just knows the indoctrination Callahan has forced on them has turned them against her and her friends. Type: Type 4 Abilities: Tracker Bio: Jessica's life flipped around the day she turned fourteen. She found that all of a sudden she could sense things. That when she got near certain people and instinctively know that they were Gifted. And then she knew what she had to do. She ran away, aged fourteen, fearing for her family's safety. She knew what happened to Gifted. She knew what the government would do to her and her family. She couldn't let her brother or her parents go through that. One night, after about a year as a runaway, Jessica was staying in a hotel. Apparently the lady at the front desk had noticed her eyes because in the middle of the night the D.M.A dragged Jessica from her bed and brought her to one of their holding facilities in Manhattan. Luckily for her, the facility was raided by the M.R.F and she was freed. She was directed to the Conclave where she began helping to find any Gifted and relocate them to safety. She eventually teamed up with Finn when he showed up and they became inseparable. Other: Jessica always carries two pistols on her due to her lack of offensive abilities. Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR9G7ioLLmc[/url] [/hider] [b][u]Inertia[/u][/b] [hider=Seth Anderson] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmODkxZi5VMlYwYUNCQmJtUmxjbk52YmcsLC4w/fantaisieartistique.medium.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f4/cb/27/f4cb271f7cedba25cee3429754f4aa73.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=#FF8000]Name:[/color][/b] Seth Anderson [b][color=#FF8000]Age:[/color][/b] 21 [b][color=#FF8000]Eye Colors:[/color][/b] Left eye- Black Right eye- Orange [b][color=#FF8000]Personality:[/color][/b] Sharp tongued and teasing is the best to describe how people view Seth initially. Under his facade is a kind and caring individual, who is loyal and has a good sense of morality- often being the one that listens to the voices of the group and tries to mediate. He still keeps his teasing and blunt nature to people he knows. After awakening, his personality turned darker, he tends to be untrusting and a tad cynical as he tried to look out for his safety. Although his old personality sometimes shone through, he tries to help people- even when sometimes it might risk revealing his 'gift'. He is still loyal to people he gets accustomed with, but might take a bit of effort to crack his initial self. [b][color=#FF8000]Type:[/color][/b] Type 2 [b][color=#FF8000]Abilities[/color][/b] [u]Physical:[/u] [i]Enhanced Speed,[/i] His 'gift' allows him to run faster than the average human, about three times faster. The gift doesn't come without drawbacks. Prolonged usage can strain the muscle and extended use might even damage them. Running at his top speed might even cause his clothes to catch on fire due to the high speeds. His gift requires a ton of energy to run at high speeds- hence his metabolism requires alot of food to quench his required energy. Due to these drawbacks, he tries not to overuse his speed- unless entirely necessary. [b][color=#FF8000]Bio:[/color][/b] His life before his [i]awakening[/i] was relatively normal- his school life was good, he wasn't outright bullied or anything and even was somewhat well known throughout the school as he always tried to help those bullied, earning him a negative reputation amongst the bullies. He was also above average in all his academics except for home economics- he naturally excelled at the subject. His family life was also tightly close, it was normal and his family all loved each other. At the age of 18- on the day of his birthday, he got up that morning and what was suppose to be a day of celebration and fun turned out to be the worst day in his life. He awoke to one of his eyes- his right eye, it had turned a fiery orange and Seth recalled a story from a friend which he scoffed off. It was a story of how teenagers around ages of 13-19 would awaken with a different colored eye and would awaken with a gift- or rather, a curse. The government would soon follow and 'take' these gifted and never come back. Seth feared for his life- and through widened eyes he glanced at his hand that seemed to be vibrating at a speed which caused it to blur from Seth's sight. With a confused shriek, his parents rushed in and became wide eyed after noticing the change in the color of Seth's eyes. Through hushed whispers his parents hastily prepared a backpack for Seth and a pile of money- they wanted him to escape the torture and life that the government would offer Seth. The cover story would be that Seth was sent away abroad to study- as his parents did not want the government hounding their son. Seth, being a tad smart figured out what his power was- enhanced speed, he also noted that after testing his powers is that he would be fatigued and that he ate more than he used to. Being on the run for three years, Seth had figured some tricks to survive his nomadic lifestyle- just to avoid the eyes of the government. Now his travel had led him to Manhattan, taking a side job to earn a bit of money as a bartender in a relatively known shop [b][color=#FF8000]Post Example:[/color][/b] [hider=Example] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmY4MjgyNS5UV0YwZEdobGR5Qk5aWEpqWlhJLC4w/cat-childs.regular.png[/img] The paramedic was about done with the rather personal 'test', and with a slight groan he sat up, eyeing the agents who were getting along rather well, more than Matthew thought. Agent Nova had turned to Matthew, and another barrage of statements laced with sly questions subtly added. [color=#58FA82]"Well, the same can be applied to you, Miss Agent."[/color] he replied teasingly, [color=#58FA82]"First time I've heard that the legendary Robin Hood had an accent too, I feel honored."[/color] getting up, and rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand and on the other he fished something from his belt pouch. He began writing something on a small note, under the eye of both agents. Also noting that he himself might need a drink, he might just go to one. [color=#58FA82]"I guess us Vigilantes prefer the lone-wolf style, huh? Who would've known."[/color] he said, with a slight chuckle [color=#58FA82]"Just don't call me Robin Hood."[/color] he continued, glancing at the his electric wristwatch. [color=#58FA82]"Time's up."[/color] he continued, doing a two finger salute towards Nova and then releasing circular metal balls from his wrist, when it landed it released a short burst of smoke covered a small area and only lasted around a minute. When the smoke dispersed, Matthew had all but disappeared, and a small note could be found on Agent Nova's back. A sewer cover could be seen, slightly open and could be noticed. [Hider=On the note]Below the '[i]Kick Me[/i]', there was a PS: [i]Thanks for the company, I'll be alright so don't worry. When you need me, just fire out that 'Robin Hood' logo in the sky like a certain bat fellow?[/i] [i]Pss: I am kidding, don't actually do that.[/i] [/hider] ----- Reaching the Mercer household, Anna greeted him, "Matthew are you al-" she cut off, plugging her nose tightly "Eyuck you smell, go take a bath then we can go and I'll call that personal doctor." Matthew promptly lift his arm and took a whiff, only to snap his neck back. [color=#58FA82]"I see what you mean."[/color] he replied [color=#58FA82]"Call doc, I still need one."[/color] After a warm bath, he put on his relatively normal clothes. The doctor, Doctor Preston soon came in, with the same face as when Matthew would call him with deep injuries. "Matthew, why do you always have some injury that are usually broken bones" he said with a deep sigh, "Well, you'd probably just come up with another excuse." he continued, wrapping layers of gauze on his chest and stomach area. "Well, don't move too much, the injuries were fortunately not deep." he mentioned while injecting a serum into Matthew. "Be careful 'golfing' next time." he joked, packing his bag and getting up to walk to the door, before bowing to Anna and taking his leave. "You're gonna have to tell him sometime, he's not dumb you know." Anna said, with folded arms and a grin. [color=#58FA82]"Sometime, not now."[/color] Matthew replied, putting on his 'civilian' clothes, a green leather jacket and black jeans. [color=#58FA82]"I am heading out for a drink, wanna come?"[/color] he asked, motioning his hands. "Hmm, Nahh, Appreciate the offer Matt, but I wanna sleep, tad tired." she replied, while patting Matthew's back, to which he winced in pain. [color=#58FA82]"Alright, but you know, that still hurts."[/color] he said to her, rubbing his back. Walking out the door, his breath was visible. Walking back inside, and putting on a red scarf. The streets were as busy as usual, and after a while of looking he found a bar that served light drinks. Entering, the smell of booze and desperate men entered his nose and visions respectively. The creak of the boards were invisible under the loud chatter of drunken men and women, and sitting on the corner of the bar, he motioned for the bartender and said [color=#58FA82]"Something light."[/color] before snapping his eyes at the flirting individuals. [/hider] [b][color=#FF8000]Other:[/color][/b] Grown penchant for cooking Trains daily to increase his stamina to increase his speed and the length of how long he can run. [b][color=#FF8000]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8X3ACToii0]This[/url] [/hider] [b][u]Airalin[/u][/b] [hider=Eva Mistly] Eva Mistly [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/72/18095-ryoko_asakura_161_super.jpg[/img] Name: Eva Mistly Age: 16 Eye Colors: One brown, one lavender Personality: Eva prefers to keep herself at a distance from others, but when she must interact with them, she is cold and manipulative. Before her powers awakened, the only tools she had to protect herself were lies, which she continues to employ freely. Eva finds it impossible to trust others, and becomes ruthless when she feels threatened. She does her best to suppress the loneliness, believing herself to have no hope of becoming close to anyone else. Type: 2 Abilities Physical: When she is in dark or heavily shadowed areas, Eva can make herself appear to blend in with the darkness. She can also manifest weak, short-range "shadow hands" capable of performing small tasks such as picking locks by thinning themselves. She is also capable of increasing the intensity of the darkness in a room, giving herself an advantage over her enemies as she has perfect sight even in pitch black darkness. However, when Eva is exposed to even normal amounts of light, her abilities are inactive and her physical strength is less than even that of a normal girl of her size. Bio: Eva grew up in an abusive household - for the most part, her parts would get into fights with each other that could turn violent. However, occasionally, upon making the slightest mistake, Eva became the target of her parents' wrath. As a result, she made a habit of spending as little time at home as she could. School, however, was little better. At first, Eva was enthusiastic to learn, but before long, her eagerness earned her the scorn of her peers. Her only recourse was to suppress it. While this saved her the torment, she nonetheless found herself friendless. That was when it happened. When the shadows rose to become her companions. At first, she could not control them, but after spending some time applying her thirst for knowledge to her new-found ability, she gained a measure of control. The opportunity for freedom had come. One night, she vanished in the darkness, never to return. She has since been presumed dead. Yet being a ghost is so very... [i]liberating[/i]. [hider=Post Example] I really hated going out during the day. My limbs felt unnaturally heavy, as if I had just been running, as I crossed the busy street. My eyes darted from one passerby to the next. I was acutely aware of just how helpless I was in my current situation - although the sky was overcast, it was still bright out, far too bright for me to materialize any shadows. All it would take was a single glance for someone to identify me and bring an end to my run of freedom. Of course, that was really unlikely. I was far from home, and my hoodie did a pretty good job of concealing my face. The blue-colored contacts I wore would protect me from identification as Gifted. Hopefully. I pushed open the door of the convenience store, careful not to let my face show on the security camera pointed toward the entrance. I grabbed one of the hand baskets provided for customers and quickly began scanning the shelves, throwing everything I wanted, from candy bars to Sprite, into it. Before long, I had everything I needed. Nervously, I approached the counter. I had cash, of course; I had stolen plenty of it from another store the previous night. It was really unfortunate that I couldn't phase under a doorway with a whole bundle of groceries in my arms. "That'll be $84.73," said the cashier, a thin man whose eyes seemed entirely too discerning for my comfort. I handed over the money. "That's an awfully lot of cash for a girl your age to be carrying around," said the man, eyebrows raised. A shot him a fake smile. "My older brother is just a few stores over," I lied, feigning indifference. It wasn't like he was ever going to look into the situation. People were happy to warn you of danger, but they'd never actually do anything about it. The man nodded. "I haven't seen you here before," he said, putting my purchases into plastic bags. "Just thought it was strange is all." Maybe he could tell how uneasy I was. I grabbed my bags as quickly as I could without raising suspicion. It was only after I was halfway down the street that I realized one of my contacts had fallen out. Looked like I would be hiding somewhere until nighttime. [/hider] Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzhLj8UMOkE]Eva's Theme[/url] [/hider] [b][u]Liocalset[/u][/b] [hider=Car-tali] Car-tali Bertatis [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/e96e/th/pre/i/2014/170/1/b/ao_no_exorcist__yukio_okumura__by_churieq-d7n2ekc.jpg[/img] Name: Unknown Age: 28 Eye Colors: Left and Right Personality Laid back; will only talk when his input is necessary. Unwavering will to do the right thing however making him naive in trying to look for the best in people. Type: Forced 3 Abilities Physical: Able to control embers to amplify smoke car-tali is able create a deep fog like effect allowing him to pick off his enemies one by one. Given the case that he is able to directly control this fog like smoke, he is also able to render others unconscious however this ability requires a high enough smoke volume. Mostly his ability stems from his tactfulness and multi weapon and martial arts training given by the D.M.A. Psychological: Car-tali is able to entice people who he has talked with by having feelings from pheramones and expressions giving him the ability to minipulate arguments in most cases.(does not work on people who are extremely strong minded and dead set to a particular belief or ideal. Bio kidnapped at a young age to participate in an experiment for the D.M.A Car-tali was trained to be a weapon. the exact details of this experiment are lost but it is believed to be a success given that car-tali is alive. Car-tali somehow escaped and is now roaming the wold hoping that he can find people who want to fix it. Post Example I have seen this a million times. The D.M.A believes that their way is the best and innocents pay for it. Knowing all their tactics and having this experience this is the most challenge I’ve come across. Perhaps I will get some answers from these… ugh. ‘is he one of them’. ’ Open his eyes and check.’ ‘He is sir’. Good. Bring him with us. 30 minutes later. ‘Hey sunshine wake up.’ ‘Hugh…’ ‘I said wake up’ This sentence followed with a forceful punch that immediately jolted me awake. ‘Ok. That was…uncalled for.’ I opened my eyes to see a huge burly tank of a man in D.M.A uniform who I assume is the commander and three other soldiers with their guns trained on my head. When came close to by face I could smell the distinct aroma of an ashton cigar from his mouth. ‘The first thing I would like to point out is that you are all idiots and that the use of sunshine at the start of an interrogation is very out of place’ Another punch was received from the tank nearly breaking my jaw. ‘Wow that left hook is perfect you have got to share it with me someday’ ‘Shut up’! ‘Ok ‘. ‘How did you find us?’ ‘With a tracker I hired’. Impossible. there are no gifted here. now ill ask again how did you find us? it was painfully obveous that he was lying. Ohh . like I said idiots; your just idiots. This time he hit me in my abdomen. ‘I’m serious you have got to give me some training tips because that punch is really killer.’ I was getting through although it didn’t take much. I just have to keep the quips coming and he will forget that this is even an interrogation. Ok I have got to ask and this is really embarrassing but how did you guys catch me. The two soldiers behind the commander tried to hold in their smirk and were failing. These men have forgotten the basics of their entire training and they are about to experience what happens when you let your guard down on me. You stepped through a door with armed sentries posted there. Ohhhh. My mistake I got this wrong with another secret mobile assault unit. I’m sorry ill just get up and be on my way. As the commander pulled back his fist for another attack, I used his cigar that was placed in the room next to the one I was in to transfer some of the embers to the table creating a large enough fire to create a smoke field and transfer it to my room. Under the smoke screen I was able to make short work of the guards, breaking the foundation of the chair and using the legs of the chair to break the commander’s arm. After that one of the other soldiers fired off a round and the other followed. I ducked low to the ground and choked the two guards with the remaining smoke in the room. Like I said idiots your just idiots now if you’ll excuse me I have schedule to keep. I donned the D.M.A `s uniform and began my search. After searching the center I found the truck they were hiding the gifted on and were getting ready to transport. They are bound to keep trackers around so I have to be careful. Keeping my head down I was able to commandeer the truck and make my escape thinking that the commander is going to have severe reprimanding made this all the sweeter. When I decided that it was far enough I let out the gifted. All were bonded and treated less than human. I could see the fire, rage and sorrow in their bountifully colored eyes. If I didn’t know what I was doing was right, all doubts ceased at that moment. All of you. Take this truck, leave and never come back. But where will we go where we won’t be hunted down and killed. That depends on what you want to do. The way I see it is that two wrongs don’t make a right so whatever you choose try not to make it revenge. Well; where are you going? Into the fray, the lion’s den; Manhattan. Other Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4YXjWa9Rpg[/url] [/hider] [b][u]Ace of Flames01[/u][/b] [hider=Ace] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130802075722/twifan/images/4/4a/Blue-eyes-brown-hair-girl-green-nature-Favim.com-460268.jpg[/img] Name: Ace Age: 16 Eye Colors: Was originally born with blue eyes but her right eye turned red after her abilities awoke Personality: At first she seems cold and introverted but she quickly warms up to others if given the chance. she trusts others WAY too easily. She is often straight foreword about what's going on in her mind and isn't afraid of expressing her opinion. She values and cherishes her comrades and is overall a warm and gentile person. Type: 2 Abilities Physical:Fire manipulation aka pyrokinesis - basically she can control the shape and size of fire (as well as making it move) and used it as a weapon. However she cannot create fire; she needs a source such as a lighter (which she happens to always carry with her). Due this ability she doesn't burn easily. For example, the amount of fire that could severely burn or even kill normal people would only leave her with minor burns. Bio: Not much is to say about her past regarding her childhood. She lived a happy life with her parents up until the age of 10 when her abilities first awoke. At first she could only make the flame on a candle move or go out but her abilities quickly grew stronger. Ace's parents gradually caught on to her growing abilities and eventually disowned and abused her. After almost a half of a year of abuse from her parents; Ace decided run away grabbing a lighter and setting her room ablaze. Ever since that day she's been living on the streets. [hider=Post Example] Tucked away in a dark alley, Ace lit the flame from her lighter humming the "Happy Birthday" song quietly as she stared at the the lighter with a dull, glazed over look in her eyes. Today was going to be her 16th birthday as well as the 5th anniversery of the day she escaped from her parents. Ace stopped humming and smothered the flame with her thumb then sighed. she examined her extremely thin body scowling slightly. "jeez...five years can really change a person....I should eat more often...well regardless...Happy sweet 16 Ace...i should probably find myself a gift....i do need a new lighter...hmm..."Ace murmured to herself lost in thought as to what she was going to get herself. She made her way out of the alley and onto the street. She could feel then dozens of cold, disapproving eyes glare at her. Ace shivered, "woo! it's chilly today!" Ace grinned then laugh for a few minutes as she went on her merry way to the nearest gas station alley to find a lighter. [/hider] Other: She ALWAYS carries a lighter or a box of matches with her where ever she goes. Theme Song: [url]http://youtu.be/cRgPj35FZS4[/url] [/hider] [hider=Jack] [img]https://www.pixoto.com/images-photography/people/portraits-of-men/man-with-a-beard-74092140.jpg[/img] Name: Jack Code name: Zeus Age: 39 Eye Colors: left eye is light/pale green and right is pale yellow. Personality: Jack is friendly and is a gentile giant overall despite the fact that he runs a pretty shady business. He acts like an almost doting father towards Ace. Type: 3 Abilities Physical: Jack can give off charges of electricity. He can't kill anybody with his gift but he certainly can taze people and end up temporarily immobilizing the person. He also has a high resistance to electricity. Psychological: Basically, he's a sweet talker and can easily convince people to do what he wants. Bio: Jack lived a simple life with his wife and daughter on their small ranch outside of the city. At least until the DMA showed up and killed his family. He was then forced to become a Warden at the DMA and serve their cause. He was never "loyal" to them per say rather he had no choice but to obey. The only reason why he would have hated the Gifted was because he was lead to believe that all Gifted were nothing but mindless savages that were a threat to humanity. This changed during an extermination, when he realized that Gifted attack humans in order to protect themselves and to survive, not just for the purpose of killing. When witnessing a massacre of Gifted children, he could only think of his late daughter who was killed by the DMA. That's when he realized that he wanted nothing more to do with the DMA and waited for right time to escape. One day, during a surprise invasion from the MRF; Jack escaped and started his own shop to provide the necessary resources for all Gifted who were against the DMA. A few years passed before he ended up finding Ace, whom he then on raised for the next 6 years. Other: He currently runs a shop called 'Jack's Craft Shack' During his time as Warden, he was taught how to handle and fire various types of weaonry Theme Song: (I'll get that later) [/hider]