Jolting upright when he hear Annabelle's voice, a shudder ran down his spine. She was the cause of most of his nightmares at night. [i]Did Lily tell one him ? Oh god, he knew he shouldn't of eaten or even spoken to her.[/i] Letting his eyes drop to the floor he knew how she was with him looking at her-- he wished she'd just go away, even Peter didn't bother him this much. It was like she made it her mission in life to make him suffer, he just wanted to back to sleep... just for a little. He was so tired, his whole body ached. Why did her voice sound so soft like she cared even if she was using cuss words, [i]was this another one of her games ?[/i] Bug hoped she wasn't going to make him eat something gross or worse... he shook himself from his thoughts before his mind could wander to that dark place. "Yeah? Did ya' want somethin' ?" Normally she'd make him cook her food or something. Rubbing his eyes, yawning. Moving back a bit so she wasn't breathing down his neck, then again she could just pull him back. Nervously fidgeting with his fingers-- it was a habit he couldn't break given how much shit he was put through everyday.