SilverDawn told me about this. [center][img][/img] [hr] [quote]“[b]Just go with the flow, daddy-o.[/b]"[/quote] [hr] [b]Name: [/b] Henry Thomas Oscar Oxwell [b]Alias:[/b] TIDAL WAVE [b]Superhero/Villain:[/b] TIDAL WAVE is neither hero nor villain, instead going with the flow and taking the path of least resistance. (He’s neutral, mostly because of his refusal to conform to “good” or “bad” sides.) [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers/Equipment:[/b] TIDAL WAVE’s most important ability is to turn into a puddle of sentient water, able to move of its own accord and, well, that’s about it. He turns into water, while retaining all of its properties. When TIDAL WAVE turns into water, all water he comes into contact with is absorbed into his mass. This means that when TIDAL WAVE turns back into a regular person, if he absorbed more water than he was made up of, he will be fatter. Likewise, if he loses too much water, he’ll come back skinnier, or maybe not even at all. Should he form into two different puddles though, he will use the powers of OSMOSIS to create a watery replicant of himself, that is for all intents and purposes a perfect clone. Thanks to TIDAL WAVE’s all too laid back personality, however, it’s more likely to do its own thing instead of conforming to TIDAL WAVE’s identity. This is something he doesn’t mind at all, and is in fact proud of. Other than that, the only equipment he has is a pair of bongo drums that he plays when he feels like. [b]Weakness(es):[/b] THE SUN – Well, really any forms of heat put TIDAL WAVE at risk. Water evaporates, after all. THE MOON – TIDAL WAVE is susceptible to the moon’s effects on the tides. COLD WEATHER – TIDAL WAVE will freeze if the temperature drops beneath 0 Degrees Celsisus (32 degrees Fahrenheit). FABRICS – TIDAL WAVE can be absorbed into fabrics and wringed out! This also applies to anything that absorbs liquids, really. LARGE AMOUNTS OF SALT – Should TIDAL WAVE be absorbed into salt, who knows what might happen? [b]Appearance:[/b] Henry Thomas Oscar Oxwell dresses in black turtleneck sweaters, stove-pipe trousers, dark glasses and berets. He also almost always has a toothpick in his mouth. Henry’s about 6’ tall and the way he walks and talks makes one thing very clear: He’s the coolest of the cool cats. [b]Personality:[/b] Henry Thomas Oscar Oxwell is a very laid back guy, taking things in stride and not really caring about the world around him. He’s like a super chill dude. Not literally, if he were literally a chill dude that’d render his power null. He’s reminiscent of the 1950-60’s beatnik, choosing not to conform to standards of clothing or thought. He likes jazz, poetry (with bongo drums), coffee shops, and talking about the people trying to make him conform. [b]Backstory:[/b] [i][Lights dim and a light bongo drum rhythm is played in the darkness of the stage.][/i] Born and raised to conform, but never willing to accept the norm. They don’t get it or even try, but I’m not going to go outta my way to lie. Went to school, didn’t do so well. [i][Spotlight turns on and highlights Henry, dressed in his usual get-up, complete with dark glasses and beret.][/i] Dropped out, that was pretty swell. [i][Bongo drum’s rhythm increases in intensity.][/i] Traveled here and traveled there. Traveled most everywhere. They said I wasn’t cool, wasn’t hip, but I didn’t conform to their norm, so I didn’t heed their lip. Got in a scrap, but the best thing to do is be like water, it can flow, but right into a trap. Got robbed of all I was worth, but didn’t bother me none, next thing’s next so I packed up and had ‘ta run. Ma and Pa didn’t support, but I was used to bein’ on my own, after a few mistakes I found myself in court. [i][Bongo drum’s rhythm decreases in intensity.][/i] Locked up in a cell, walked around walked around walked around, in the end the best thing to do is be like water, it can flow and be free. [i][Bongo drum’s rhythm increases slightly to a pace that it’d feel right to walk along to.][/i] Who needs their rules? Who needs their system? I don’t. Best thing to do is be like water, it can flow, or it can crash. Gained some weight, didn’t bother me none. Stood out in the heat, lost it all. Skinny as a twig, almost broken, but I don’t need to make it big. [i][Bongo drums slow to a crawl and spotlight turns off.][/i] In the end the best thing to do is be like water, it doesn’t need to conform to the norm, free to do its own thing. Just go with the flow, daddy-o. [i][Bongo rhythm slowly dies down.][/i] [b]Other:[/b] Really the way I chose to write the backstory is terrible, like honestly terrible, but it fits the character of Henry. It’s also a pun on his refusal to conform to the norm and how the backstory isn’t written in the traditional sense. It wouldn’t feel write anyway else. Although if you want a backstory that isn't terrible I'd be willing to write one up.[/center]