[b]Arsuron Population: 280 Arsur Coast: 76 (4 in Uaru territory; 1 in Monastic Territory; 2 Illis) River Camp: 77 (4 Illis) Lotus Colony: 76 (6 in Soruli Territory; 2 Illis) Kanesh Colony: 19 (4 Illis) [hider= Trading Posts] Yijen Fork Trading Post: 14 (9 Arsuron; 5 Illis) Karom Mission: 8 (2 in Alvith Territory; 2 in Platta Territory) [/hider] [hider=Technological Progress] [list] [*] Agriculture: 3/5 [*] Bätänjűr (Arsuron Ninjutsu): 7/8 [*] Mathematics: Complete [*] Bronze: 4/5 [*] Organized Religion: 4/7 [*] Canal Building & Irrigation: 1/6 [*] Lunar Calendar: 1/5 [/list] [/hider] [/b] [b]Food for the Colonists[/b] Anlam's observations were truly paying off. Collecting date seeds and learning to transplant wild grass was truly becoming something that would be continued in the desert colonies. It was even found that placing watermelon seeds into the sand deep enough would keep them from coming out when watered. But this was no exact science yet, and often a plant would simply fail to grow when the seen was sewn or the young shoots were put back in the ground. Getting their water was difficult enough as well, for the nearest oasis was a far trek uphill in the hot desert sun, only for the water to be poured onto the soil for a plant that may not even grow. There had to be a way to get the water to them. But how. Anlam had been pondering on this for months after he convinced the people of Kanesh to even try his idea. Now, he had another idea. Make a path for the water. It would take some planning but he felt that with the right ingenuity, he could pave the way for his people. [b]The Platta[/b] [@aweirdgamer][@Elitestpotato] Antersh and Ansor had made their way over to the strange assortment of motley creatures and and a oddly out of place larger white creature. The two Arsuron exchanged looks at each other as the female missionary, Antersh, said something. "Look," She said, to Ansor, pointing towards their drawings of the Arsuron. "Obviously an intelligent species...but what of the more brutish creature?" "Maybe a slave" Ansor replied to his superior "Perhaps, we'll have to keep an eye on that one" Antersh replied before facing the Platta and taking note of their offering of food. "A peace offering?" Ansor asked "Almost certainly," Antersh said, smiling at the Platta as she accepted their offering, taking out her copper dining knife and a long, thin skewer used to stab and pick up food. "Ansor, prepare a watermelon, and lay out a cloth for us to sit upon." Antersh waited for her companion to arrive and offer up the watermelon as a sign of peace. The two Arsuron attempted to introduce themselves simply as possible. "na Antersh" she said, pointing to herself "na Ansor" the other said, pointing to himself "nahi Arsurón" they said pointing to each other. Antersh had one more thing to say, "Nahi isi turer du'de fïnökshűr yi'am'i" (We have come here (to bring) to you The Mathematics of Yi'am) [b]The Soruli[/b] [@Diehard243] The various stations seemed to be of great enjoyment to the Arsuron. Many things, new things they had never seen or experienced before. The sensations and flavors, along with odd things like dancing, an activity not very prevalent in the Arsur or even in Lotus Colony. Anjar was watching them intently, seeing how his fellow scouts behaved. Something in particular came to the attention of Anjar. The powders, and the effect they had on the Arsuron. Excusing himself from Naho for a second, Anjar walked over to the station where one scout lay in euphoria. Anjar took out of his satchel a long sharp tool, the same used for skewering food, and jabbed it into the scout's side. Barely any reaction, as if the pain was not present. The limp Arsuron had made a half hearted groan but he did not show any signs of pain. Anjar was quite impressed. Such a pain killer could be vital in helping scouts and soldiers recover from the pain of wounds. Jabbing the scout a few more times, the leader stood back in confidence. Making his way back to Naho, he quickly drew a picture that conveyed the question he wanted her to know. "What do you want for some of this powder?" In the meanwhile, the Arsuron were thoroughly enjoying themselves. This place was so unlike the coastlines, even Lotus Colony, which was in the rainforest, had a much different feel to it. It must be the Soruli, their childlike and playful ways were every endearing to the Arsuron.