Fregion tirelessly walked up the mountain, that was the annoying part of going to the Inner Sanctum, you had to walk there as not even the gods could open a portal to that particular space. On his way up, he got to see the wild, trees and animals and all sorts of other wildlife. The mountain was teeming with life, as it should be. He even passed through a mortal village, albeit not much happened as it was apparently too early in the morning for anyone to be awake. After what seemed like hours, Fregion finally reached the Inner Sanctum. As always, the place was imposing, even to him. It had to be of course, that was the only place in the mortal realm where the Gods were allowed to walk on. He noticed the absence of one of the elite guards of the Creator that were guarding the place. [color=9e0b0f][i]"Of course they moved the body. Why wouldn't they?"[/i][/color] he silently asked himself as he ventured deeper inside.