Name: Alex Markfield Alias: [b]The[/b] Evil Emperor Superhero/Villain: Supervillain Age: 23 Gender: Male Powers/Equipment: Burners, Go! - Alex can call an army of disposable mooks he calls as "Burners" from skies. Attack of the 50-Foot [b]The[/b] Evil Emperor - Alex and his clothing can grow to 50 foot (15.24m) in a pinch. However, he will explode in a spectacular fashion if he gets damaged enough. However, the explosion does not kill him, making him shrink back to his normal height instead. (By the way, the redundancy is intentional.) Weakness(es): Anything involving Alex's superpowers does not affect anything but superheroes and super villains, including and up to buildings he intentionally or accidentally stomped on in his 50-Foot mode. This apparently causes every superheroes and supervillain involved (including Alex himself) to look more like a clown in a superhero/supervillain costume. Appearance: Alex is 6'7" (200cm) with a rather muscular build. His face is rather sharp with somewhat large nose and a pair of non-natural sharp purple eyes combined with surprisingly black eyebrows. His hairs match the eyebrows and are long enough to reach his shoulders, covering his ears. Alex always wears a black trench coat, a black helmet and a gas mask in public as his costume. Personality: Alex always believes he is the supervillain the everyone fears of and always acts highly dramatic and pretentious, always talking loudly. He does not take it well when people laugh at him for whatever reasons, frequently attempting to kill them with his mooks and failing almost every time. Backstory: Alex was exposed to shows like Power Rangers from when he was very young. He initially thought of becoming a hero, but he considered the idea a bad one as his logic ended up considering both party as villains, thinking that heroes are using the fact the villains are causing chaos as an excuse to beat them down before leaving, with no chance for the villain to simply leave the city instead of being beat down. Once he was 16, he accidentally summoned a group of mooks that looked like ones that fought the superheroes in the shows he had seen while thinking if the heroes in the shows are evil or not, ordering them to cause minor chaos in the city not enough to damage anything, but still enough to attract attention from superheroes to see if what he thought is real. However, everyone in the streets were minding their own days instead of reacting to the mooks and calling the superheroes, making Alex don a military-alike costume and call himself as the "[b]The [/b]Evil Emperor" in order to gain attention from the superheroes, but the people around him kept laughing at him thinking he is a clown instead of a supervillain, causing him to order the mooks to beat the crowd down, only to have the said crowd stand up like if it were nothing while laughing. He did not like this, but he continued anyway, not knowing his powers didn't affect them.