[center][b][u]*Important Questions*[/u][/b][/center] [hider=Questions] [b]Q: Can I still join this?[/b] A: Yes. As long as the [color=palegreen][b]'Apply'[/b][/color] sign is up, feel free to join and invite your friends too. Please dont ask. I said yes! I wont forget to put [color=darkgray][b]'Full'[/b][/color] when I need to. <3 [b]Q: Can my character have more than one Pokemon to start?[/b] A: Well to clarify a bit, the whole purpose of the 'starters' in this RP is to get everyone introduced to the professor and started on their journey through Kalos. In theory, characters could already have a pokemon or two, but I want to limit that as my idea was for the trainers to meet/form their teams while on their journey. For example, your character could already have a Riolu for her first pokemon, but also recieve a 'starter' (Togepi) from the professor as a 'Good luck on your Journey!' gift. See what I mean? Essentially the purpose of the 'starters' is not to be the character's first pokemon, but be the pokemon that 'starts' them on their journey through the region. Make sense? [b]Q: Does my character [i]have[/i] to be a standard 'trainer'?[/b] A: No. You're character's dream/goal could be to become a Breeder, Ranger, Pokemon Musician, Battle Girl, Scientist... etc. The only things off limits are Gym Leaders and Bad guys. Keep in mind though that it is more fun for your character to develop these traits that set he/she apart as the story goes along, rather than starting off as an established Ranger for example. [b]Q: What Pokemon are available for me to have on my team?[/b] A: Every single Pokemon is available to capture in this RP, that means all pokemon from all the regions are available to you. That said, when capturing pokemon, please try to think about it. You're not going to find a Cacturne while surfing, nor will you find a Lovedisc in a forest somewhere. Where you capture your pokemon need to make sense. Keep in mind though that it is not only the wild you can obtain pokemon. Trades and plot ideas that make sense are allowed. For example, my character met her Wigglytuff when she was just a Igglybuff, trapped inside a Pokeball that had been thrown in the trash. [b]That[/b] would be an example of a plot idea that actually can make a bit of sense. [b]Q: Can my character have made up Pokemon? [/b] A: Nope. There are plenty of canon pokemon to choose from. Sorry. [b]Q: When in the hell does this take place?[/b] A: To keep it simple, this RP doesn't have any of the events of Team Flare in it. Mega Evolution is still a new topic, Kalos Legendaries are not found, and Team Frigid is only just starting to pop up here and there. I can't give an exact time of when this takes place, because its kind of a slight AU if that makes any sense. [b]Q: Now that the IC is open, what is the posting order?[/b] A: Try to have two people post between each of yours. [b]Q: Just to be clear, what Pokemon are available for Mega Evolution later on?[/b] A: Good question! I should probably address it now before we get to it in the IC. Please refer to this link: [url]http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mega_Evolution[/url] for a list of Pokemon available to Mega Evolve. Please Note: [b][u]The following Pokemon require a special 'Quest' of sorts to obtain their Mega Stone: MewTwo, Salamence, Metagross, Gallade, Latios, Latias, Raquaza, and Diancie.[/u][/b] If you are interested in those Mega Evolutions, please send me a PM and we will discuss what you need to do in order to obtain that Mega Stone. All others can be stumbled upon in the IC when the time comes. [/hider]