[hider=Character App] [centre][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/eedb/f/2013/330/0/d/untitled_by_marilsasda-d6vqdso.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Rucks Kennithson [b]Alias:[/b] He doesn't have one, he sort of just assumes that at some point someone will make one up for him [hr] [b]Superhero/Villain:[/b] Alleged Villain [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hr] [b]Powers/Equipment:[/b] [b]Artomancy[/b] It's by far the fruitiest name a power has ever had but Ruck's doesn't really mind. This power allows anything he draws to come to life, however he cannot control these creatures as soon as they have ripped themselves from the page, with some exceptions. This power is obviously the best thing at birthday parties. [b]Myth Manipulation[/b] No one's actually sure if this is a real power or not, Rucks claims that it allows him to control mythical beasts. The only problem is that they don't exist, (although Rucks has a room in his apartment devoted to finding them) apart from the ones that Rucks draws that come to life. Unlike other creatures these actually can be controlled. Although it might be that Rucks only chooses to control these creatures because they're cool. [b]Super Smalltalk[/b] At this point it is safe to assume that Rucks is making up powers, to be fair to him, he is really really good at smalltalk. (possibly why he considers this a power) [b]Weakness(es):[/b] [b]FIRE[/b] Fire burns paper, which destroys Rucks' minions. It's quite sad if you think about it, any phoenix's he draws will immediately be destroyed. He is actively trying to find a fix for it, short of starting up a charity. Because that would be plain dumb. [b]WATER[/b] Water causes the paper to deteriorate. Another thing which causes the unfortunate deaths of some of his minions, in particular ones which use water based attacks. He is also trying to find a fix for this, laminating the paper works, but causes the creature to become immobile. [b]INK[/b] Possibly the worst thing that can happen to one of Rucks' minions is foreign ink being splashed on them. It's like being hit by a barbed arrow and it takes intensive re-painting to heal properly. Anyone who resorts to these methods is frankly a monster. [b]DEFORESTATION[/b] Naturally this is the slowest of the threats to Rucks and his minions, but it's the most dangerous. When the trees run out so does the paper, and that is a scary concept. [hr] [b]Appearance:[/b] Apart from the above picture here are some neato details: Rucks stands at 6'3, or for those who prefer the metric system, 191 centimeters. Sometimes he wears glasses, but in reality they are just a dastardly disguise. He's a sharp dresser and frowns upon people who appear unkempt. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite popular belief Rucks is a nice guy, he throws birthday parties for kids (Especially orphans) and has two dogs named Mozart and Archimedes. He's also highly charismatic and quick witted, just like all good thieves. However he does have his flaws, he treats the whole thievery business as a game, therefore if he misses his mark he takes it as a large blow to his ego which ends up with him brooding on bridges and roof tops. He also doesn't take his actions seriously enough because he claims it's a victim-less crime. [hr] [b]Backstory:[/b] Thievery is an art form, so it sweetens the deal when you're able to use literal art to do so. This is what keep Rucks in the game, the thrill, the heart-pounding risks, the adrenaline rush and of course, the final chase. But it wasn't always like that, Rucks used to be a boring thief, only stealing for money. It wasn't until he discovered his power that he started to steal for the enjoyment that he drew from it. It was a rainy day in the city and Rucks was in his apartment, drawing a city landscape as he so often did, there was a spectacular view of a plaza from his window and the rain made it's bright lights dance and sparkle, he was at this point allowing his first layer of paint to dry off. He switched on his television set, it was some kids show, confused his checked his watch. Oh. It was THAT early? He had stayed up through the night, painting did that to him. He flicked through the channels, nothing was on and he eventually he got back to the first one. He sat back, it was interesting how these shows had changed since he was a kid, at least one thing stayed the same, the fantasy setting. A dragon was being slain on his screen. He took out his sketch pad, he hadn't drawn anything like that since he was a kid. An hour and a half later (and three episodes of the show) later he was done, a sketch of a dragon, coloured with water pastels. Not his best work, but it had it's charm. He laid it down to dry and returned to his other piece. Mixing paint, applying it slowly but with a consistent tone. And then, a small noise. He was hearing things due to his lack of sleep, he just needed to finish this off. There it was again, a small yap, too high pitched for it to be Mozart or Archimedes. He turned around, had the neighbors cat found a way in? There it was. A dragon, the one he had drawn sitting next to his sketchpad which now had a large gap in his previous painting. The beast prowled around the table, flicking it's tail and coughing out cartoon flames. It had to be a hallucination, Rucks thought, he'd finished his painting. He needed to sleep. But alas, the next morning it was still there, sleeping on his lap next to his dogs. Something had to be going on, he'd made a cartoon dragon come to life, he gave it an order, he made it right? It must obey him surely? It did, he asked it to go and wait at his desk and there it went, wings flapping off to wait. By the time Rucks arrived, fully dressed, the dragon was doing battle, against the knight which he had also drawn. "Stop!" he yelled, a small fire has started which he ran to put out, the dragon listened ad started in the defensive, the knight however did not, this is why Rucks assumes he can only control mythical beasts, but who knows why that knight refused to stop. He never really tested it out as now, he had a new power to play with out in the city. [hr] [b]Other:[/b] He has an array of alter ego's that he buys for a dime a dozen, as a result he uses these freely. His suits are bought tailor made from a spectacular tailors off of main street, he recommends it to his friends and enemies alike. He does have a preferred shoe maker, which requires a week out of town to go visit. He's more likely to recommend it to enemies to get rid of them. He's actually a really good artist, which leads one to wonder why his minions mostly look like quick doodles. He claims it's because he doesn't own a photocopier so it takes too much time to draw them properly.[/centre] [/hider]