[hider=Cia Meiling] Name: Cia Meiling Gender: Female Age: 26 Height: 6.0 Weight: 150 Appearance: [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/aa96/f/2014/145/7/6/geil_ling_by_pixelturtle-d7joj4r.png[/img] Notable Markings(non-required): Scar on stomach Personality: Cia loves to drink and has been known to be a master of a martial arts style called Drunken Fist. When Cia is sober she is a cheerful brute and loves often tries to solve problems with her fists. Cia isn’t very smart though and is easily tricked. Equipment: She uses her own fists to fight for the most part and is quite skilled. Abilities: Warrior In god burst mode Cia has been witnessed as having inhuman strength, able to pick up things 5 times her size and weight. Cia can also rip a person to shreds with her bear hands when needed, though this takes awhile to do. Cia has a second God burst though, one that she has from her great great grandfather. In this one though her eyes seem to glow black. In this form she has the power create small earthquakes that help her to knock her opponents off balance. Ancestor/Patron: Father is Dionsys, Hades is her Great Great Grandfather. Background: Cias father was Dionsys, her parents surprisingly enough met at a bar. However sadly Cia's mother later became an alcoholic and died of liver cancer when she was only 10. She was taken in by her uncle who ran a martial arts dojo. As Cia grew she realized that she was a bit stronger than the average person. As Cia continued to grow she found herself to be most skilled in a fighting style called Drunken Fist. She even pushed her knowledge forward enough to become a master of it herself. When Cia was 18 she had finally gotten her first drink of alcohol. She loved it, though this was also the first time she ever used her God Burst. As a result she ended up accidentally destroying half the bar she was at. When Cia was 20 her uncle was about to be stabbed by a mugger from behind. Cia was able to stop the man but was stabbed in the stomach in the process, she now has a scar on her stomach as a result. Though this was when she found out something else interesting. She was able to tear the man to complete shreds, and this power didn't come from Dionsys, but rather Hades, who seemed to be her great great grandfather at that. [/hider] So I just wanna make sure that it's ok if my character has two ancestors? Like one is her great great grandfather, though she doesn't exactly know this part