Wow I missed a lot when I went to bed. The storm kept up until midnight so I went to bed. I just posted my character a few minutes ago. [@Red_massa] He certainly sounds like a very interesting guy. I can't wait for the Bio. [@TalijaKey] I approve. Those sound perfectly reasonable! [@DemonTongue] He's definitely going to be a hard nut to crack for the one whose name is on his wrist. He's approved and can go into the character section. [@SPAssemble] In this little verse, beings who aren't human have always been around. People just haven't noticed some of them because they cause phenomena that won't allow us to see them. For example; some nymph's can make themselves invisible in their element. In terms of the tattoo's, some species didn't get them right away, and others got them at the beginning. As for an ' awakening ' it was more of an ' emerging '. When a new species got the soul mate marks, they started to venture out; so there started to be beings around that nobody ( or very few people ) had encountered before. I hope that explains it enough. If you need more info let me know. [@Mugin] Ah, now I see what you mean. He can go into the Character's tab while I fuss over who to try and pair him with. [@Dragoknighte] A description is enough, and she's approved! [@cedric of trall] I'll go check it out. [@Amaralyn] I meant in terms of a school subject or skill. Let me know if you do rewrite it so I can read it again.