[i]Damn hunters.[/i] Those were his last rational thoughts as the door was kicked in by the very same initial opponent he had faced outside. Uttering a deep demonic roar, still covered in hellfire and swinging his sword outwards, he rose from his crouched position and attempted to charge into anyone that was in the immediate vicinity, particularly Edict and whomever was around him, attempting to use his body mass to smash into his foes. [hr] As Artholath started moving more quickly to the final corner, he noticed the smell was getting... stronger. Shifting into his true demonic form mid-walk he looked around the last corner, icicle on his newly shifted, long demonic fingertip. Out of the corner of his eye he detected the source of the smell at last. Turning towards the dwarf, rising his six side appendages with spikes forming on them and his two main arms gathering balls of blue, he glared at the one who had followed him with dark blue eyes. The temperature of the area seemed to go down, even as flames were still rising in odd places. What he missed was a guard who had seen him while he was shifting, a guard with a bow who had absolutely no combat experience. Spotting the demon, he prepared an arrow while quickly muttering a prayer.