[quote=@Captain Jordan] Background images that don't match the rest of the styling always make me want to barf. [/quote] I mildly agree, but maybe there's another option to make themes enjoyable? Perhaps you should be able to edit the general colour of our posts? If we have a green and blue background, the boxes our posts appear in could be changed to match. This would be optional, clearly, as it wouldn't always work and could make the Unicorn Barf even worse. :lol Just an idea, of course. I haven't really thought it out, so apologizes if it has some gaping, horrible flaw I missed. :newlol [hr] [quote=@Ellri] While its more restricting, we think having a low number of pre-set options would be safest. People will abuse it if they can upload whatever, because out of 2000, you can be certain that there will be at least 20 who are idiots in some fashion, probably more. [/quote] Hmm...I think that would largely defeat the purpose of allowing themes, at least in my eyes. Rather, Mahz should simply allow a personal option to disable the ugly ones (as has been discussed) or- if someone uses an inappropriate or offensive theme- a way to report it and have the thread removed. Granted, this could make things harder on Mods, but I like to think the RPers will be, as a whole, mature enough not to grossly misuse the option. Like how we can add images, but you don't see many folks putting up nudes or pure gore, because nobody wants to get banned over a pic. Themes could work exactly like that, or at least so I hope. Forgive me if I am being naive or gullible.