"Would you kindly shut the fuck up, ma'am?" Oh fuck no. Nobody talked like that to her or at her. [color=1a7b30]"Fuck you dick head! I take orders from nobody! Im a fuckin Orthell!"[/color] She yelled and flicked her finger nails at him, a sign of supreme disrespect and vulgarity from her homeland as she stepped back away from him. She thought his stupid for charging forward like a rutting boar, when his opponent was like a pissed off rhino. Cringing as the demon revealed itself and started charging, the chain clanked as the long dagger connected to it shot out and pierced his arm as though it wasn't there. Only stumble quickly to the side in cast the demon decided to continue charging through Edict and move onto her. Clanking her Brass Knuckles twice and yanking her Kansa from the demon, her knuckles glowed as she readied herself to take the bastard on...blow for blow. [color=1a7b30]"Your an ugly little fuck aren't ya?"[/color] She said in a chiding tone as though speaking words to a kitten. [color=1a7b30]"Didn't I kill your mother or brother like...4 months ago? You fuckers are so digusting lookin'...I couldn't tell who they were!"[/color] Jade spoke, trying to piss the demon off even more, and in doing so the runes on her Kansa slowly began to grow brighter and brighter as it drew more magic and power. Meanwhile, in her head she chanted. [i]"Please don't hit me, PLEASE don't hit me, if you do...Ill loose my one and only charm![/i] Chuckling inwardly at her own self reflection, she continued to focus on the battle with their newest partner.