Roman winced a little at the old man as he crept closer to his place at the table. Judging from the smell he was pretty sure the old man tried to jump in the river himself before he told everyone else. Taking a sip of his water he couldnt hide his underlying excitement no matter how hard he tried, yet kept his composure so the old geezer didnt think his toothless grin won him over. Giving off a long sigh... "Well... Somebody is gonna get lost in those caverns sooner or later, might as well keep you guys from making those caves your new home." Roman gave a grin and a nod of agreement as he passed over a slice of pork over to the old man. "On one condition, not saying we will-cause we most likely wont... But if we do find treasure, lets use a portion of it to fix up this town. Place could use a bit more books and some educated folk to learn from in these parts." Roman looked the man dead in the eye, his snobbish attitude dissapeared and was overlayed with an adventerious smile. "No sense becoming rich nobles in a town full of neanderthalls." He joked. "HEY WHO YOU CALLIN A NEE-ENDERWHOOSIT?" a gruffy overextended voice echoed behind Roman as an all too familiar bard stuck his callused and overly muscular hand on his shoulder, practically crushing his collar bone. "Nothin' wrong wit bein a lil thick under the skull!" Jack took a knuckle and wrapped against his own head. His wild and wavy hair shuddered as the echo was a bit eerie. "Ive see plenty ol' souls get through some hard times with nothin but yer instink! Even had a close call myself once..." Jack bellowed. "Here we go-" Roman muttered. "I could tell yer a time when i was out travlin east o here wit nuthin but me lute and the furs on my back. An outta the damn bushes came an OGRE!" "You mean a deer..." Jack strummed a low note on his lute to emphasize the size of the beast. "Big hairy ol fella with teeth the size o my big toe. He came gallopin after me for no damn reason! All i was doin was strummin me lute." "So there WAS a reason-" "Quiet i aint dunn yet. So as i was sayin he came clammerin after me, man i turned heel and ran faster that a noble during tax season but that drooling beast just kept gainin on me!" slamming a fist down near Romans cup and nearly tipped it over from his heavy hand. "I had no choice but to think quick off my feet." "You mean on your feet-" "Whaa? No i was off my feet, damn thing tackled me to the ground! Only thing between me and that beast was my trusty lute Bella!" "You named your lute..." "Hush, so this beast was swipin at me arse and just so happened to strum Bella. That beast winced and thats when i knew i had em!" Jack took his lute and started strumming riffs that echoed through the whole tavern. "That big ol ogre was afraid of me Bella! So i strummed and strummed playing like my life depended on it! That fat ol bitch took off holdin the sides of his head like a harpy scremed her lungs out." Roman grinned and poked the old geezer with his elbow. "Prolly the only story i actually believe." He chuckled.