The Phoenix >>>Scol System >>>Main Bridge Rolgnar studied the readings of the fellow ships in the fleet. “Heavy ones, then. They even sent a dreadnought for this one.” He turned to Cassian. “Set up a live room for the good captains. And please, don’t run it off the main network. Use my system if you have to, the other one’s good as broken.” Cassian nodded and went to creating a network chatroom, pinging all ships in the fleet and automatically pinging any newcomers to join. It would make use of holograms if possible to display in the center of the bridge, or if that wasn’t possible on the mainscreen. Rolgnar sat back and sent a message to everyone who had arrived so far. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Captain Rolgnar here. I invite you all to a network channel, Id,” he looked at Cassian, who sent him the Id. holding up his miniscreen, Rolgnar continued “#tysig_4561, to discuss our next course of action.” Cutting off the message, he signalled again to Cassian. “If new ships come in, authenticate them and send my message.” [hr] >>>System Administration Room Sitting in a raised cubicle that resembled that of the other six staff under his command, working under dim lights and with raw system code, Tyson Ferkwood had spent the entire duration of what was supposed to be inspection looking at glitchy Ai encoding and having his techies work on the internal network. Inspection was an unnecessary burden for the peasants operating guns and security teams. His team was the one keeping the ship alive, after all. Never mind those fellows on the main bridge. He noticed that the captain ‘borrowed’ his private network, again. He never should have given the captain those codes… then again, if the captain had found out himself, there would have been an interesting conversation. “How’s the network coming up?” One of the technicians looked up at Tyson. “I’m just about to run a test. I’m sending it to everyone in here now. [hider=System Integrity "Quick" Test for “PhoenixIntegratedNetwork”] [color=green]Preparing codes…[/color] [color=lightgreen]Testing textscript.[/color] [code]***Firmware is out of date. Updates queued: 2351.***[/code] [color=green]Scanning all systems… Complete *Ventilation System: Functional -Operating *Power Cores: Functional -Cores Regenerating *CHWES FTL: Functional -Core Regenerating *Replicator Systems: Functional -Mode: Lightweight *Shields: Refreshing… -Refresh complete. Shield systems functional. *Sensors: Functional *Organic Stores: Functional All primary functions are operating normally. [/color] [Running integrated non-formatted codes] Running display text. ::No Errors Found:: [color=green]Test Completed. All systems functional. Firmware is out of date. Ship is on “Idle” setting. Ship is broadcasting communications from Bridge Only.[/color] ::Ending Test:: [/hider] Tyson nodded. “That’s just fine.” One technician raised a hand. "Didn't the captain-" Tyson stared him down. "He was obviously making some sort of unreasonable demand. Just because the firmware is out of date doesn't mean it doesn't work! Right?" All six technicians nodded slowly.