[IMG]http://www.picturesdepot.com/photo/a/anime_girl_short_hair_feather-68679.jpg[/IMG] [color=2e3192]"To take the freedom that Pokemon training gives for granted... is unforgivable."[/color] Name: Sheena North Age: 15 Gender: Female. Height/Weight: 5'0". 116 pounds. Personality: Despite being only fifteen, Sheena has a very realistic world view, seeing the world as corrupted yet unique at the same time. An intelligent sort, she's a lot more practical than she is social, as she comes off as rather cold and pretentious when she has to get to know others. Due to this, she actually gets along better with adults than with people her age, which she has acknowledged that she wants to change that; she just doesn't know how. Deeper in her personality lies a soul yearning for freedom and yearning to find herself. To become more than just another cog in the machine. Another facet that she chases after in life is justice, causing her to have a really black and white view of the world; those who she sees as good are good, and those who she sees as evil are evil. She seems to not realize that there are those with gray morality in the world. Despite her maturity and intelligence, she also can get flustered really easily, showing an easily embarrassed and slightly introverted side to her. She also has a certain like for things such as Pokestar Studios in Unova and Kalos's own PokeVision/Trainer PR Videos. History: As long as Sheena can remember, it's been her and her grandparents. Her parents are always busy, as they are established Pokemon Trainers in other regions; one being a researcher in Unova and the other being a Coordinator in Hoenn. As such, Sheena has never had a big interest in family. Her grandparents overly sheltered her due to this, and almost didn't want her to become a Pokemon Trainer. So for a while, she had to look into watching Pokemon oriented stuff. When she learned of the International Police, however, she quickly became enamored with the idea of becoming one, especially looking up to Looker. Going against her grandfather's wishes, Sheena's grandmother saw the girl's interest in becoming a Trainer and as such, gave her the okay to start her own journey. Dream/Goal: To become a member of the International Police, just like her idol, Looker. Preferred Starter: Froakie. Other: N/A for now. Unlike most of the others, since she was just told she could become a Pokemon Trainer, she currently has no Pokemon whatsoever.