Izzy couldn't help but laugh. Whether the vulgarities were meant for her or not, Jade shot right back at him. It saved her the trouble of having to threaten him. It was obvious that he hadn't lost his charm since the incident at the docks much earlier that day. But something else became blindingly obvious as each of them readied and attacked their foe. She was out matched. She had no enchanted weapons or glowing daggers. How in the world was she going to defeat this thing? She shook her head violently, self doubt would be her defeat if she didn't snap out of it. She had to try something, and at the very least, the demon seemed distracted with rage, mostly aimed at the other two. She was a hunter, the most feared assassin of her land, she reminded herself. Her job at the moment, as she saw it anyway, was to observe her pray. And then strike!