Shoes hit the ground in rapid succession, a dull thump with each footfall. Adrian was completing his daily run, this time deciding to complete it in his full armor. He could feel the sweat dripping off of his chin, dropping onto his chest plate. He felt the comforting weight of his sword on his hip, swinging back and forth securely as he ran around the perimeter of the camp. He was almost completely finished with the run, and that he was thankful for. It was hard work to run carrying the extra weight of his armor. But it was good practice, and helped make a person faster. He cut inward towards the center of camp, avoiding the groups of people as he approached the cabins. He then slowed to a walk, fighting the sweat that tried to slip into his eyes. He walked up to his bed, the furthest back on the left. His stuff was already set up, being one of the all year campers. He didn't fit in with those outside this camp anymore, so he stayed. He stripped off his armor, stretching and popping his back. He then went and took a quick shower, not fond of smelling like body odor. After he finished, he returned to his bed, dressed in his typical outfit. He grabbed his necklace, putting it on then tucking it underneath his shirt. He then grabbed his sword, cleaning it and sharpening it quickly before attaching it back into his belt. While it could change itself into a plain gold blanket, he preferred it in this form while around camp. He then cleaned off his armor, setting it up in a place it could be easily grabbed. He had a belief in being prepared. Exiting his cabin, he looked around, eyeing the variety of people making their ways to the various tents. He walked, his eyes narrowed slightly, his left hand resting on the pommel of his sword. He seemed to discourage conversation by his body language, but without fail someone always ended up approaching him.