You guys have no idea how surprisingly easily accepted these characters are. They're all so awful yet amazing. [@Three Five]- Max is accepted! Feel free to move him to the Characters tab! And yes, you may have multiple characters (two characters max per user), but since you already have a superhero, it's preferred that you'd make a villain! [@Meridian]- Fiona is accepted! [@SuperTacticalDerp]- Archie is HILARIOUS. Accepted! [@Scrub Mage]- TIDAL WAVE is accepted! [@SilverDawn]- Rattle N. Bones (10/10) is accepted! [@Gurren1]- I love how unique Lee is! Accepted! [@Urbanliner]- [b]THE[/b] Evil Emperor is accepted! [@Nerevarine]- Selcin's probably the strongest of the group so far but thankfully her age and personality balances that out. Accepted! [@Oni_]- Rucks is accepted! Feel free to move your characters to the character tab!