The skull and it's visors watched, emotionless as the last of the cultists were gunned down or fled into the inky darkness of the metal tomb. For that was what this hulk would become [i]their[/i] tomb, no longer would the taint infest this dark place, but be bathed in the most holy light of the Emperor, for that was [i]his[/i] will. The same helm looked down upon the Legionnaire of the Damned, as he held the bloody corpse aloft, blood seeping from wounds on the body and raining upon his black armour, seemingly powered by the blood, the Chaplain watched as the Legionnaire blended with the shadows, witnessing first hand the powers of the warp before his eyes, he knew this to be the most unholy power born from only the corrupting taint of the warp. The macabre display was not one fitting of an Adeptus Astartes of the most holy Imperium. [b]"Abhor the Witch, Destroy the witch"[/b] The Crozius Arcanum, gripped in his right gauntlet hummed to life as energy began to dance, similarly the twin barrels of his Storm Bolter, wisps of smoke protruding from either were now leveled at the Terminator in the hole below. [b]"Brother Zethidis, as Chaplain of this mission, responsible for preserving the immortal soul, and to armour those against heresy and false pride. I find you wanting... You will relinquish yourself before me, you claim loyalty to the Emperor and yet your deeds speak in contrast. You would act a most bloody ritual and dare chant his name. Prove your loyalty, lest i be forced to administer the Emperor's Mercy."[/b] His voice resounded, alive with grim determination, belying nothing more as he gazed down at the Legionnaire bathed in blood, from atop the hole. [b]Actions this turn;[/b] [b][u]Action 1:[/u][/b] [b]Chaplain Aleros overwatches[/b] with his [b]Storm Bolter[/b] [b][u]Action 2:[/u][/b] [b]Aleros overwatches[/b] with his [b]Crozius Arcanum[/b] [hider=>Chaplain Aleros Status Report] [b]HP;[/b] 40 (current 43) [b]Wounds;[/b] 2 [b]Status;[/b] Disturbed; -1 WS and BS. Emperors Favour; +1d3 WS (When using the Crozius Arcanum) [b]Weapon Skill;[/b] 4d6 [b]Ballistic Skill;[/b] 2d6 [b]Initiative;[/b] 2 [b]Leadership;[/b] 5d6 [b]Veteran Traits in use;[/b] [i][b]Uphold the Honour of the Emperor[/b][/i] - The Black Templars uphold the Emperors honour, and face their enemies attacks head-on rather than cower behind cover. Such is their indomitable faith that they can withstand attacks that would fell other Astartes. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +5 Health for the first 3 turns of combat)[/i] [b]Equipment;[/b] - [b]Crozius Arcanum;[/b] Emperors Favour (+1d3 WS); [i]2d6 damage[/i] - [b]Storm Bolter;[/b] [i]2d6 damage[/i] - [b]Rosarius;[/b] a symbol of office for the Chaplains. The one Aleros wears is an amulet of adamantium shaped into the form of the Imperial Aquila, which houses a protective Conversion Field emitter, [i]-1d6 to all damage allocated to the wearer.[/i] - [b]Indomitus Pattern Terminator Armour;[/b] [i]-5 to all damage allocated to the wearer.[/i] - [b]Skull helm;[/b] Carved to resemble the face of a human skull, an ancient symbol of death used to mark the Emperor of Mankind's great sacrifice for humanity during the Horus Heresy. Every aspect of a Chaplain’s garb serves as a reminder of mortality’s impermanent nature, and thus, the significance of preserving the immortal soul. [i]-1d6 to all enemy Leadership tests[/i] [/hider]