The harsh, morning sunlight streaming through the curtains woke her first while the alarm simply served to drag her from her half-slumber and force her to focus. Shifting into a sitting position, her back arched with her stretching as her yawn slowly shifted to a groan. Letting her blue eyes slip open, she peeked around the room - it was her friend's apartment which she had been crashing in for the last few weeks. Blood-red swathes of hair suddenly covered her vision before she idly brushed it away, sighing - she hadn't been looking forward to this day. Once she had showered and packed, she briefly explained she would be leaving town to visit family friends before ushering herself out the door and into a taxi. The driver seemed a bit confused when she told him her destination and more than hesitant but once she passed a wad of cash to him, he somehow found his footing. Camp Half Blood offered answers to the questions she had been asking all her life, or so she'd been told. The others that had found her told her that she could finally find out who her mother was. After that, they blabbered on about her being able to finally have a family. Acacia didn't want a family nor did she need one - she wanted answers and she wanted a bitch to pin all her problems on. She very rarely agreed with her dad but if her mother was [i]there,[/i] things would have been different. The driver didn't understand when she told him to stop in the middle of nowhere but she was only following the instructions of those who had sent her there. He already had his money so once she was out, he zipped away and left her with one route to take - up the hill. It wasn't an overly difficult hike but eventually, she came to a clearing boasting of a single tree with what appeared to be a golden fleece clasped around its branches. Beyond that, reality itself seemed to warp. She could just see the forest continuing but she had a heavy feeling that wasn't the case. Passing the large tree, her hand slipped along the fleece as she crossed the boundary between two very separate worlds. Instead of long, unbroken wilderness, she was met with the sight of a sprawling camp that had literally not been there before hand. Her breath momentarily caught in her throat before she huffed, dragging a pair of earphones into her ears and flicking on her music. Acacia guessed that the massive house at the start of camp was where she was meant to go but her resolve faltered then collapsed completely as the gentle aroma of the Dining Pavilion's breakfast graced her senses. With a frown, she also took note of the characteristic, angry grumble of her stomach. Eventually, she made it down the hill but had an awkward feeling about the whole thing. People were very definitely eating but uncertainty dragged her feet back, stopping her from pressing forward. She was standing out. Her hair looked almost like fresh blood in the morning light and her scar certainly earned her a few cautious glances. Plus there was the whole fact that she didn't look like she wanted anyone to approach her; what with her earphones and all that. Grumbling at her own indecisiveness, she balled her small hands into smaller fists. The sound of combat drew her closer as she diverted from the main path and headed towards what appeared to be an arena. Two guys were already engaged in some sort of fight but strangely, while one was using a weird mix of sword and hatchet, the other was trying to oppose him with a baseball bat. Narrowing her eyes, Acacia fixed the two with a confused glare before hastily dragging herself away, disliking how the clash of metal seemed to draw her even closer - she was already beginning to dislike this place's pull on her. Eventually she ended up in what appeared to be a circle of cabins. Each had its own distinctive design with some looking like they had experienced a particularly nasty hurricane and others looking like they hired an artist to design the exterior. Acacia was still confused but was adamant that she was not going to go to that house she saw at the start - she didn't need their help. She was well and truly lost and it must have reflected onto her features as she looked around hastily, checking for danger.