I call being the leader of the first villain team-up if we get that far! [SUPER COOL EDIT!:] Hey, got bored so I made a hero! ------------------------------------------------------ Name: Eric Burkhard Löwenfinker Alias: The Legless Lion Man Superhero/Villain: Former Villain, Superhero Age: Ninty-six years old. Gender: Male Powers/Equipment: - Super-strength: Not having legs is absolutely a bummer, but having arms meatier then an obese cow helps a lot. (Can 'walk' with his arms, punch through solid stone, and give awesome fist-bumps.) - Near-immortality: Nazi and American super-science at it's best! Yay, unethical human testing! (Note: still looks and acts like a normal man his age, but will probably outlive The United States.) - Linguistic: Can speak German, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Southern American Guttural Noises, Lion-speak, Droid-speak, and Klingon. (Still can't great ride of the German accent that makes him sound like he is permanently at a rave or fucking Hitler's wife.) - Razor-sharp Dentures: His original teeth fell out sometime in the early-nineties, forever lost to the Indomitable Tooth Fairy. (Fucking bitch still owes him like a quarter or something. No wonder they got divorced.) Weakness(es): - Machinery: Due to the massive visceral accident that took his legs, Eric isn't a huge fan of machines. Usually keeps himself in control, but can be seen punching smart-phones from time to time. (Don't get him started on the Internet...) - Walking/stairs/mobility: It's a...touché subject... - Guns/blades/heavy blunt objects: The guy is only human. - Culturally left behind: Eric doesn't understand kids and their new fizzy-what's-it's. (Again, never bring up the Internet. Someone sent him to Chat Roulette once. The police had to tranquilize him for a week afterwords.) - Old age: The dude is ninety-six! He belongs in a home! (He's kill you if you try and move him to a home...) - Gazelle Blood: The stuff is like heroine stuffed into a meth and bath-salts quesadilla for him! (He has been permenantly banned from Africa.) Appearance: [hider=Out of Costume][img]http://listcrown.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/elderly-weight-lifting.jpg[/img][/hider] In Costume: In all yellow lion fur clothing with a luchador wrestler-esque lion mask. Both the furs and mask are from the 30's, so there is some absolute wear and tear. Personality: [indent]Eric B. Löwenfinker, aka 'The Legless Lion Man', is a boisterous, proud man of extreme age. He is kindhearted in his core, but age has made him slightly bitter and forgetful. He will always do his best to be kind and a protector of others, but sometimes he'd get a little pissy with those he's working with. Villains never take him too seriously, even though he could probably kick their asses.[/indent] Backstory: [indent]Eric B. Löwenfinker was born in Munich, German in 1919. His formative years were like any other middle-class child's, doing average in his studies. After going to university for linguistics, Eric ended up getting a small time job at a weapons and car factory in the city. By age twenty, Eric was close to getting a managerial promotion until his legs were caught in the factory machinery. The machinery ripped off both his legs at the thigh, luckily leaving his genitalia and butt unharmed. At the time it was a major concern, other then the leg thing. Eric was rushed to the hospital after a long workday of bleeding out and was treated completely. In the hospital, He learned that he could use his arms much more efficiently then his legs, using them to walk. Eric was subsequently fired from his job after leaving the hospital, forced to live as a beggar in the streets. After a few weeks of performing side-show acts on street corners and rummaging dumpsters, Eric brook into the factory he formerly worked at and destroyed every machine he could find. The Nazi's found and arrested him quickly, concluding that he could be genetically manipulated and released into the U.S. to wreck havoc. Eric survived rigorous testing and painful treatments that increased his strength, prolonged his lifespan, and gave him bladed teeth. Set upon the unsuspecting shores of Slant City, The Legless Lion Man really fucked up a neon sign until American police stopped him and brought him in. The Americans also saw potential in Eric, recruiting him to an international team of crime-fighting 'patriots' to defend the Allied forces hitting Normandy in D-Day. Eric was once again trained and fucked up scientifically. Eric survived D-Day and worked for the Allies throughout World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict. Many many years later after being lost at sea thanks to some zombie krakens, The Legless Lion Man returned to Slant City, not a destroyer but a savior![/indent]