Shaking his head, Carter watched Horace's shenanigans and sighed. "He's gonna get himself killed... I don't know if that's a good thing or bad..." He holstered his pistol and moved to Greg, patting him on the back. A moment later, Brandon Tossed his molotov, and though he couldn't really fault the man's actions... It would distract some of them, but... It didn't have the bang to get the attention of the horde. He shook his head and helped his companion straight up on his feet. "Still your stomach, we were never gonna go on the devil's zipline... Eating a bullet woulda been safer than that. He pulled on it and it came right off." After a moment, the colonel stepped back and pulled up the MP-5 that hung on his side. He gestured forward and gave him a weak smile. "Nothing but bullets are about to be flying... Let's go soldier. This your first time in combat? Just been a post sitter til now, arresting drunkies?" The man laughed encouragingly and nodded. "If so, you're doing well. Let's get doing... Cover my rear."