Luke dazed and confused about what was going on tried to say something but before he could the dwarf was gone. Luke got up to his feet and brushed himself off. There was dirt on the venison so Luke just threw it away. It was gross the more and more he looked at it. Made him wanna throw up. Throw up. His stomach started to makes noises that felt bad. Uh oh. He tried to fallow the dwarf man. He didn't want to run though, he didn't want to come off strong, but he didn't want to lose the dwarf man either. The more he walked however the more his stomach hurt. It had to be the venison. Did he regret eating it? No, it was a split decision of survival that had to be mind. At the time it felt right. Food was needed and grass was not gonna cut it. Oh god, but maybe he should've waited. He continued to follow the dwarf.