[list][*]Name: Rachel Kay [*]Age: Early 20s [*]Gender: Female [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1186508]She's about 5'4".[/url] [*]Method of Travel: Helheim Cracks. Accessed using the Dandeliner. [*]Powers: Rachel has acquired a [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Driver]Sengoku Driver[/url], as well as several Lockseeds, allowing her to transform into [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Kamen_Rider_Ryugen#Arms]Kamen Rider Ryugen[/url]. The belt also serves several other functions, although these will more than likely not come up in the RP. [list][*]Grape Arms (Dragon, Fire! Bang! Bang! Bang!): Accessed using the Grape Lockseed, this form equips Rachel with a pistol, the Grape Dragun. In addition, her physical abilities are enhanced and would result in her being a solid all-rounder in a fight if the Arms came with any form of melee weapon. By pressing her Driver's Cutting Arm down, she can execute one of several special moves, including firing a spray of energy projectiles or a large dragon from the Dragun, having the "grapes" that make up her armour fold up and spin around to block incoming projectiles and damage anything nearby before returning to normal or a high powered kick. [*]Melon Arms (By Heaven's Decree!): In this form, Rachel is armed with a shield and sword, the Melon Defender and Peerless Saber. Compared to Grape Arms, this form is stronger, but slower. Its ranged attack options are somewhat limited, although the Peerless Saber has a low-powered pistol built into it...which is an utter pain to aim and the Melon Defender can be thrown like a boomerang...leaving her poorly defended if an opponent can capitalise on the opening. This form's finishers, executed in the same way as Grape Arms' have her charge her shield with energy before throwing it at the enemy, perform an energised slash with the Peerless Saber or a high powered kick. [*][url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Dandeliner]Dandeliner[/url]: Not another form, but Rachel's preferred form of transport. A flying motorbike with lasers on the front. If she can reach high enough speeds, it allows her to travel [s]through time[/s] to Helheim, an eerie forest dimension, and from there she's able to access other worlds.[/list] [*]Personality: Rachel is somewhat shy around people she doesn't know, though her travels through the multiverse have forced her to be a bit better about this. However it's only once she feels comfortable around someone that she fully opens up, becoming more cheerful and energetic, if a bit snarky at times. She is a fan of assorted manga and anime, mostly slice of life or action series, as well as assorted tokusatsu series. She also enjoys music, mostly metal (generally more of the heavy or power varieties) and rock, as well as cooking. [*]Starting World: Wherever anyone's at. [*]Backstory: There's not really much worth mentioning for the most part. Normal boring life, parents had a reasonably amicable divorce, coasted through school with minimal effort, started at university, fell through a weird portal and ended up in another universe...Okay, maybe that last bit IS worth mentioning. After falling into said portal, finding a strange belt and several fruit-themed padlocks, including one that turned into a flying motorcycle, Rachel began travelling the multiverse and helping people in need.[/list]