[color=teal]Will[/color] and [color=red]Beevil[/color] sat in a corner, Beevil nursing a beer and Will his water. [color=teal]"I really don't think its a good idea to let Jane come. It could be dangerous, it'd be better that she stay at home."[/color] Will pleaded with his brother. [color=red]"Oh you're just being a worry wart, it just a cave, what could be in there? Besides even if there was something in there you and me could take care of it, and I think she needs a little adventure to take her mind of that her scumbag betrothed."[/color] Beevil said confidently waving aside the Will's protests. Currently they were simply having dinner and discussing their plans for the morning when the ferry left. And of course debating on whether any of them should go. Beevil thought they should all go and of course roped Will into it. Will was alright with being dragged along but he didn't think Jane should go and it had been a source of constant debate since Beevil brought the idea up.