Though vigilant as he observed the masses of grieving people, Rambler lacked the magical skill to sense Zarr's actions and was unaware of his presence. His patience dwindled as time passed uneventfully and he soon left the cemetery. As he wandered the streets searching for unusual sights, he began to notice Calamity's minions lurking about. He abruptly 'turned off' his senses of smell and taste. Immediately his vision was greatly enhanced; everything from the debris on the ground to a bug flitting about a mile down the road appeared clear as crystal. Rambler crept a bit closer to one of the minions and focused his gaze upon him, allowing him to see through its skin and peer at its inner body. It was decidedly inhuman, its inner workings resembling nothing that Rambler was familiar with. Before he could begin tailing the minions he spotted another figure in the distance, a young woman in a dress hidden behind a partially demolished building. She was the only other person that seemed to notice the minions. Rambler had heard about the battle that took place five days earlier, and he knew that some sort of group had opposed Calamity's forces. He wasn't sure if this woman was part of that group or not, and his first instinct was to keep his distance and watch this scene unfold. But he knew he'd have to take a risk to get the information he wanted, so he slowly walked around the building and cautiously approached Gart. Once he was within earshot he stopped. Rambler kept his hands near his weapons but didn't draw them, unsure of how this could go. He quietly spoke to Gart, his mask muffling his voice a bit. "I need information. The name 'Calamity' mean anything to you?"