[center][img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/024/2/f/pokemon_trainer_08__sean_by_blacksun30-d73isyv.jpg[/img] [color=1a7b30]"Think you can keep up?"[/color][/center] [color=1a7b30]Name:[/color] Diego [color=1a7b30]Age:[/color] 17 [color=1a7b30]Gender:[/color] Male [color=1a7b30]Height/Weight:[/color] 6'2" 170 lbs [color=1a7b30]Personality:[/color] One of the first things people notice about him is his confidence, call it arrogance or cockiness because that's what it is. As far as he is concerned, he can do anything because he knows he has the brains and the discipline to see it through. This world is his for the taking, but he's willing to share with those who fight as hard as he does. Overall he is friendly though. He believes that above all things, you need to respect yourself for who you are. It irritates him to no end to deal with people who can't do that. Rainer has a simple sense of humor, in that it doesn't take much to make him laugh. Stupid jokes, dirty jokes, toilet humor, clever wordplay, corny wordplay all do it for him. He just loves to laugh. He's also a flirt. He definitely enjoys he female form and has no shame in letting a girl know he's interested. He's become a good bluffer and can pull off some pretty big lies without a hint of doubt. That's not to say he's a good liar overall. When it comes to personal matters, guilt can easily get the best of him. [color=1a7b30]History:[/color] Diego was born in the Johto region, growing up just outside of Goldenrod City. His mother had a job in the the city, while his father, an outdoorsman who would never dream of living in the big city, worked at the National Park. As such he had a comfortable normal life. Not lacking in anything, but not having any excess either. Diego found himself at home in both places, and quickly grew to love exploring both and getting to know the Pokemon. Spending so much time at the Park, he naturally developed an affinity for bug-types, eventually going so far as to catch a few. He even managed to catch a Scyther during one of the park's contests. (Unfortunately he came in second place to a Weedle... he suspects they couldn't let him win due to his dad working at the park). Eventually he set his eyes on the Pokeathlon Dome. It became a thrill to him to work alongside his Pokemon to train them in their physical abilities. It was this that led to him searching out different varieties of Pokemon, to test their strengths and weaknesses in the Dome. He grew to be a rather successful athlete in a few years, making it to the Supreme Cup and competing against the best trainers and even some Gym Leaders at 15. His Scyther even managed to master all five Pokeathlon stats, and eventually earned enough points to trade for a Metal Coat an evolve. Unfortunately, Diego's run came to an end when his mother was transferred to Lumiose City. He left most of his Pokemon behind with a friend, as he didn't have the heart to separate them from their passion. However he brought along his Aipom, which never really liked competing anyway. With the move, Diego's father had to find a new job, now working as a guide at Parfum Palace. Diego doesn't see his parents as much, as his father's gone days at a time and his mother's always busy. Still, he had no issue settling into his new life in the big city. He's enjoying the lights, the noise, the sheer amount of things to do. Even Goldenrod wasn't this busy. The girls in Kalos are something else too. However, he misses the Pokemon in the wild and training and competing. Once he feels his family's all settled in, he plans to take off on a journey to gather the gym badges. If he can't train Pokemon to compete athletically, he'll just have to train for battle. Dream/Goal: To grow and bring out the very best of himself and his Pokemon. He's not set on his eventual goals, but no matter what he's doing, he's going to give it all he's got. [color=1a7b30]Preferred Starter:[/color] [img]http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/venipede.jpg[/img] [color=1a7b30]Other:[/color] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=33186002[/img] Aipom - Female - Lv. 8 - Normal - Moves: Scratch, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Astonish