Sir Robert Keeteloven, was eating an apple. A very good tasting one at that.not to soft not to hard. But then the Apple tasted weird and he threw it away.He was on his way to his favorite tavern, wich not known to him was on fire." [color=ed1c24]I wonder if they still have some good alle left." [/color][color=00aeef] "with your drinking problem i doubt Robert."[/color] [color=ed1c24]Oh shut up heaven, your just jealous because you cant drink.[/color] And with that he arrived to see the taveren alight." Grrr im gonna kill the one who did this." He drew his broadsword and kicked the door open. He then enterd and screamed."WHO DID WHAT TO MY FAVORITE PUB". He then noticed the demon and the people attacking it. And with a the look of a child that had just recieved a present said. " AH FINALY SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY KINDA FUN. PREPARE TO DIE YOU BASTARD." He started and noticed that his sword was for now sane. He charged the demon and tried to stab HIM in the Chest. [@IcePezz] [@ArenaSnow] [@WanderingRebel] [@Tabitha Jade]