[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmODkxZi5VMlYwYUNCQmJtUmxjbk52YmcsLC4w/fantaisieartistique.medium.png[/img] Tagged; [@PhoebeCarlisle] - Theo, the bar patrons. Seth was doing his daily training- jogging, to increase his stamina and the length of his strut so that his powers could be used longer and faster. The training was as normal as it could be, the soft thud of his shoes hitting the asphalt was pleasant, it reminded him that he was alive. During the middle of his session, a telepathic voice invaded his head with a message to meet at Central park at 5pm for a rally against the government. [i][color=#FF8000]Sounds like a deathtrap.[/color][/i] Seth thought through ragged breaths after swiping sweat sliding down his forehead. Seth, even though he knew it was a deathtrap- he was curious. He knew it might have killed him. He didn't entirely enter the park, he only observed at a distance. Suddenly a girl was hit by a car, and she started calling out for him for help. He rushed over, and carried her princess style and moved out of the way of the angry and honking driver. He furrowed his eyes [color=#FF8000]"Asshole."[/color] he said, glaring at the driver, [color=#FF8000]"You alright?"[/color] Seth figured that a broken leg should be brought to a hospital. Instead bringing her to his home- he thought that she should instead be brought to Lacie's after noticing her [i]eyes.[/i] He advised her to rest, as he'll bring her somewhere to heal her leg later. He mustered up pseudo bandages and wrapped it around her leg [color=#FF8000]"This'll do for now."[/color] Seth said, patting her back. After his session of training, and spying nearby the park- he decided to head home to clean up, rest and then go to his job at the bar- Lacie's bar. Stepping into the shower, the cold tiles against his warm feet made Seth shudder a bit before the cold water hit his back which made him yelp. [color=#FF8000]'Damnit, this thing is never warm[/color] he thought to himself, as the water slowly got warmer. He thought about the message, at how it was an obvious trap [color=#FF8000]Do [i]they[/i] have a telepath...[/color] his thoughts continued as he slowly scrubbed himself. After said shower- though he wasn't a detective or anything he concluded that they made a gifted send out that message. [color=#FF8000]"Fucking bastards."[/color] Seth muttered to himself, a scowl replacing his features. Resting his eyes- he awoke at around 6pm, the rally was over. Seth felt dread as he knew that it flopped and it was most likely a massacre. He couldn't bear to turn on the television and instead opted to dress up and head to Lacie's. Lacie's was a relative safe haven for the gifted- Seth soon found this out. [color=#FF8000]But for how long...[/color] an unsavory thought popped in his head. He woke the girl whom had a broken leg and told her that we were going to said place. [color=#FF8000]"You wanna be carried there too?"[/color] he joked, Walking out of his home and locking the door behind him- As soon as he stepped out of the building the cold nights air hit Seth. He began making his way to his night job- to Lacie's. Seth helped the girl walk into the bar- he immidietly went up to Lacie, [color=#FF8000]"Hey boss- this person might need help."[/color] he pointed out to the girl, specifically her leg. [color=#FF8000]"Help her please, oh and i'll ding in for my job now."[/color] Seth knew that Lacie couldn't help but help, and with a grin he got in his normal uniform at the back and slicked his hair back. He noticed that there were odd patrons, a chubby kid- armless fellows. Seth smiled at the atmosphere- they were his family, so to speak. [color=#FF8000]"Well, I'm taking over as the Bartender for the rest of the night- so if you want anything ask me."[/color]