Saw it coming. Had to have seen it coming. The guy was fast, he gave him credit. But he was just as fast. As he raised his leg for the axe kick he saw the young Asian man step into his reach, his right knee screaming up to bury itself in his...unmentionables. A low-brow, dirty move that would've gotten him kicked out of the academy, but hey this was a bar brawl, there were no rules. Of course, he had several counterattacks for such an event. A life of low-brow, below-the-belt shots (receiving more than giving, in the early years) had taught him how to best avoid and counter this sort of thing. As the young man's knee flew upward, he immediately hopped backward on his left foot, right leg still up in the air. The knee flew harmlessly away in front of him as he continued his axe kick, swinging his leg immediately downward aimed straight for An's head. If it missed, and surely it would, his foot would slam back down on the wooden floor with enough force to gently shake the whole room, but nothing else.