[@Inertia] Theo was really grateful for his help and she said [color=6ecff6]"thank you, that was really thoughtful of you"[/color], she smiled. She looked around in the bar, she had never been to a bar before, actually she had never heard of a bar before. She thought she would sound stupid if she asked what it was but as people say [color=6ecff6]the only stupid question is the one not asked[/color]. She brought up the courage to ask and put her up and said to the guy that brought her in [color=6ecff6]"Hey, I know this sounds stupid but what is a bar and what do you do at a bar?"[/color] She hoped that he wouldn't think she was stupid since she really liked this guy. She noticed everyone's faces turned to her like they were thinking "how does she not know what a bar is?" She looked down sadly and waited for him to answer.