She touched Zayden and smiled. She pressed her nose to him made a pleased sound as his scent flooded her senses. Closing her eyes she had half a mind to go back to sleep before she felt Woltar’s own aura press against her. She supposed that maybe this is what Azazel had meant. So she moved from the bed and gave Zayden a lingering glance before she left the room and closed the door. She opened her mouth as if to tell Woltar she were ready but he was already moving and she had to jog to catch up. She thought he would slow down but he only moved faster. She eyed his aura used it as her guide to where she was going. When his aura seemed to disappear she concentrated and lifted her nose. Engraining his scent in her memory she tracked him by his scent as he lead her deeper in. For a moment she felt a cold chill run up her spine. She stumbled and suddenly all traces of Woltar was gone. She cursed and felt the same pulse of power that had caused her stumble in the first place. Closing her eyes she followed after the feel of the pulsing aura. It was like a beacon drawing her in to it. She whimpered as grew stronger. She could feel her own aura suffocating under the weight of this new. Stopping she took a deep breath and went further hoping that things would work out.