Sora tried to keep the amusement from her face as she watched the boy become more relaxed as she answered his questions although he seemed to still be slightly nervous as he talked to her. " I generally like bands like Black Veil Brides and Blood On The Dance Floor, but I like other types of music as well. As long as its got a beat, I normally like it." “So do you have a subject you like? Or just jumped on a chance to get into this school?" Sora blinked in slight discomfort at the last question. she knew the boy was just trying to make conversation and didn't appear to realize his last question had gotten to her. jump on the chance indeed, she hadn't even cared where the school was located or what they studied here as she just been happy to escape the hell she had been trapped in. happy to escape the disappointment, the neglect, the bullying and the abuse of what she called her life. She mentally cleared her head as she forced the smile to stay on her face. " I suppose you could say I'm into a little bit of everything, reading, art, music, ect, ect. I just like learning, so long as the subject is not to boring."