"Good!" Wystan exclaimed as Roman agreed to accompany the party, but he was saved from commenting on the scholar's plan for any money gained on their expedition by the arrival of the bard. "Mebbe we should bring him 'long to scare off any snakes and spiders lurkin' in there," the ferryman said, rolling his eyes slightly. "Hello" a female voice said and Wystan swiveled his head to look at Jasmine. "Are you, um, men going to the cave tomorrow? Because, um, me and my brother, and Thomas, are uh, going tomorrow too." "Headed out first thing, lass," the old man replied, looking at the girl, then past her to the table where her brother and friend sat, giving them an acknowledging nod. "To be honest, I was hoping there'd be a few that wanted to go. I believe there's treasure to be found, but I ain't fool enough to think I can do it alone. You lot got any picks or shovels you can bring 'long? River prolly pushed mud over everything." -- Just as her brothers were arguing about her, Jane pushed the door to the tavern open to find the place buzzing with excitement tonight. Spotting the pair, she worked her way over to them, catching Beevil's eye and trying to sneak up behind Will. Once close enough, she tapped his left shoulder while sliding to the right, trying to make him look the wrong direction. "Don't be such a worrier, Will," she said. She was smiling, but her eyes were slightly puffy and red, as if she had very recently been having a good cry. "I want to go. Imagine! We might find something like... like a ruby! Or gold... or maybe even something magical." The occasional passing adventurer had told tales of magic and some even believed the tales to be true, Jane among them, though she's never witnessed any herself.