[quote=@Dinh AaronMk] Every Tumblrina, every slash artist on dA, every commenter on YouTube. [/quote] Many people tend to segregate their online behavior from their behavior in real life. Of course, there's exceptions. In a English class I took over the spring, one of my peers openly had a pony shirt and argued with a member in my group about SJWs and feminism. It was a bit surreal. Impacts aside, I see it as more productive to play video games than argue about what's in them all day on twitter or spend all day lurking said arguments. The arguments are just the same every time again and again. It's nauseous just to read or listen to internet gender politics. It's mind cancer spread contagiously through the internet and despite the illusion of importance it gives, it's all just a massive garbage distraction that is just going to lead everyone in a circus ride where everyone hates each other. I'm not surprised there are people who browse these shouting matches and conclude the human race (at least in the west and Japan) will slowly die off as men prefer the company of sex bots and women close themselves into hugboxes. Echo chambers are great at creating illusions of importance. Yet when I search anything outside this subset of the internet, suddenly it has no influence! The idea that neo-reactionaries are gaining power and support has truth to it, but I see the whole online polarization with gender politics that's occurred in the past 5 years as more a symptom than a cause.