[center][b]Location: Lumiose City[/b] [img]http://www.geeksandcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Pokemon-Illumis-Tour-Prismatique-Paris-France.jpg[/img][/center] [color=aqua]"Why did I agree to do this!?"[/color] [b]"Because it's a fantastic idea!"[/b] [color=aqua]"Then why don't you try to carry these with those wimpy arms of yours?"[/color] [b]"Why would I do that when I have you?"[/b] [color=aqua]"Sycamore..."[/color] [b]"Okay okay, go on and take a break, I'll finish up here.[/b] Sighing, Acacia Willow stomped her way to the Pokemon sanctuary of Sycamore's Lab, located in Lumiose City. For four years now she has been learning under the Kalosian Professor, travelling all over the region and a few others to aide in the man's research. For four years, Acacia has been sent around on task after task, most of which called for heavy lifting - such as this task - and others being away from home for long periods of time. Despite Sycamore occasionally treating her more like an assistant than an apprentice, she has grown happy of her opportunity there, and wouldn't rather be doing anything else. Along with her nearly complete pokemon team, Acacia has been learning more and more about pokemon every day, getting the chance to experience life with them, and the many joys they bring. Now, Sycamore has given her the task of spreading that pokemon love all across Kalos, in his idea of the biggest pokemon adoption week 'In the history of the world!' At least, that's how he would put it. Located in the Professor's lab was a large room, specially made to suit the lives of many different kinds of lost or abandoned pokemon. They all lived a happy life there, some getting 'adopted' by new trainers every day... But it didn't match the rate in which they were coming in. The sanctuary was now packed, full to capacity with pokemon who were in need of homes and such. To solve this issuse, Sycamore has Acacia make a bold move. Along with Lumiose's press company, Acacia created a flier that was to be sent out across the region, to every town and city, for people to gather in the Professor's lab to take home their very own pokemon. The fliers in the newspapers were sent out a week ago, and many people recently have been coming by and taking in their own pokemon. Acacia thought they had a good idea going for some time... until something unexpected happened. There had been seemingly random attacks happening across the region, a group of unknown people were going around and destroying the Day Care facilities and Breeding Grounds, effectively causing harm and homelessness to hundreds of Pokemon and Eggs. There had been no where else for them to go but the Lab, and thus, Sycamore's plan seemed to be failing soon after success was expected. [b]"You have a scary look on your face. What are you thinking about?"[/b] the voice of Sycamore asked. Acacia turned to see him walking up with a bottle of water for her. Giving him an eye roll, she continued farther into the sanctuary, gently placing the Egg she was holding along with the others. [color=aqua]"I'm worried about these pokemon."[/color] she said truthfully, taking the water from Sycamore and stealing a drink. The man nodded once, looking thoughtful. [b]"Everything will be alright. Let's just keep our hopes up that some new trainers will be eager to take some of these Eggs. We dont, afterall, know what pokemon are in these. It's quite a fun gamble for people, don't you think?"[/b] [color=aqua]"Professor, these are pokemon. Their live's aren't a ga-"[/color] "Wigglytuff?" Blinking and turning around, Acacia saw her pokemon standing behind her, looking cocerned. Smiling, she knelt and hugged the pink creature, causing her to squeal in delight. [b]"That's right Acacia; didn't you meet her when it seemed she had no future? Things happen for a reason. This will turn out right, just you see. And after this we can finally get back to my research on Mega Evolution!"[/b] the man said, growing more and more excited with each word. With the reassuring hug from her Wigglytuff, Acacia smiled and nodded. [color=aqua]"Hope your right professor."[/color] she said. Suddenly a woman's voice could be heard. [b]"Professor? There are some more people here to recieve some new pokemon."[/b] the scientist said. [b]"Fantastic! Send them in! We have a bunch of Eggs here that are just about to hatch. They'll need some trainers."[/b] [color=aqu]"Should I get the remaining Maps and Pokedex's we have in storage? There might be some new trainers that are eager to start on a journey. Might as well make sure they're prepared."[/color] [b]"Mhm! You do that! I'll wait for them here."[/b] Nodding and patting Wigglytuff to come and help her, Acacia ran off in a different direction, heading for the storage room to get the few supplies they could give away to some new trainers. It was exciting, thinking that she could change the lives of some people and pokemon at the same time. It was what she loved, and why she put up with all of Sycamore's dramatics. Acacia could slowly see herself making a difference. It was small now, but she wanted it to be bigger... so big that people could say one day that she had a part to play in changing history. [color=aqua]"Ugh, first I need to change my clothes. I'm sweaty and smelly arent I?"[/color] she asked her pokemon. "Wiggly..."