[hider=Read first post first] Name: Jeremiah Strong age: late twenties Gender: male Personality: unlikely Hero Race: Earthling Once a military engineer he is now a regular engineer, and one with severe drug dependencies. He takes little pills called “joy” on the street for the amazing ecstasy they provide. First engineered by the military, the pills were a failed project to create super humans, and instead act as a duration steroid that greatly enhances physical feats and doubles as a mood enhancer, but with severe withdrawal and addiction setbacks. It was scrapped by the military, but picked up by the drug dealers who found the addicted ex-soldiers to be quite the golden geese. Possessions: Baggie of joy, .45 pistol, Tools, engineer key (small device that links up to building mainframes for routine checkups and work.) Abilities: He is a mechanical and technical whizz, as long as his head is in the game, being a military trained engineer. He isn't a bad shot with the pistol, not the best, and when he hasn't had Joy in a while is might just miss the broad side of a barn. Completely dependent on the pill or he will go into withdrawals. For the first few hours after digesting a pill he experiences amazing strength, speed and agility, as well as a heightened and lovable mood. [/hider]