Jasmine nodded at the old man, knowing that between her family's farm, and Thomas', they'd have plenty of tools. She was about to turn and leave as she heard the tunes of the bard's instrument, and suddenly, the roguish man was at her side, almost making her spill her mead. Being in this tavern seemed destined to keep her in a state of permanent blushing, and this man's complimenting of her didn't help. Looking over her shoulder at her brother, she found him eyeballing a barmaid, but she did find the eyes of Thomas, and for a moment they locked gazes. She hoped they'd join her, now looking back at the rude mapmaker. After listening to his introductions, she smiled, [color=fff200][i][b]"I'm Jasmine, the blonde at my table is my brother Gerard, and the other is Thomas, our friend. And we can definitely bring some tools, we have plenty on our farms."[/b][/i][/color] Jasmine was feeling a bit less nervous now, perhaps because this man was a bit more... normal and calm. Listening to his reading of a passage, she was about to answer, when this Jack beat her to the punch, and was now holding her against himself. She tried squirming free, but his grip was iron. This was not missed by the intoxicated Thomas. He slammed down his tankard and immediately stood up, ready to charge the bard, his face red in anger. Stomping toward him, he found himself gripped and pulled back, [color=ed1c24][b][i]"Easy there boyo, easy. I'm sure he meant nothing by it. How about we join her though?"[/i][/b][/color] Gerard still had fire in his eyes as he glared at Thomas. He didn't want to be stopped, but he did, for now. They grabbed their drinks and came up behind the bard and Jasmine. Gerard, overhearing the bard's exclamation, [color=ed1c24][b][i]"I think another round of mead is just what we need."[/i][/b][/color] Gerard sat down, and patted the bench next to him for Jasmine, who only just now extricated herself from the fumbling bard's grip. Sitting down, Thomas sat next to her, as if the boys were her stalwart defenses. Jasmine took another drink from her mead, noticing it was about half empty now, and saw Thomas staring daggers at the bard. She wasn't sure why he was so angry, perhaps he knew the bard. Turning back to the mapmaker, [color=fff200][b][i]"And yes, we are up to it. Don't you worry about that."[/i][/b][/color]