[hider=Listia] [b]Name:[/b] Listia fan Vercasees [b]Age:[/b] Physically doesn't age past 20, but her body has existed for around 400 years. Different souls that can co-inhabit her have different ages [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Appearance:[/b] She has straight blond hair styled into a bob cut. Her eyes are silvery. Her skin is pale. She has a slender build and stands in at only 5 feet 2 inches. Because of these factors she might be mistaken for being far younger than her actual age. [b]Personality:[/b] She loves justice more than anything. She believes that all of her actions are for the side of lawful good (despite being chaotic good at best) and slaughtering evil by the dozens is a-okay. She relishes such opportunities, not stopping until all the evil in the multiverse has been obliterated by her sword. She acts like a giggling psychotic schoolgirl most of the time, and in fact she is indeed mentally unhinged to a certain degree, but can behave relatively normally as long as there's no justice around to be had. If the call of her talents have been made then she will stop whatever it is she was doing and single mindedly hope to destroy the evil. Without having such a release for a while she might get less and less picky about what she considers evil and the new focus of her retribution. Therefore, even the good guys have to be very weary about hanging out with her for too long or else she might turn on them for perceived wrongdoings. Despite her seemingly doing whatever she wants, in her mind she follows a strict rule set and is very obedient to the high judge found within her sword, who she calls "your majesty". Since his judgment is absolute she will kill or refrain from killing based on his order. He can do no wrong in her eyes, even if his call confuses her from time to time. She'd even kill herself if asked, but is so sure that she's on the side of justice that this would confuse her the most of all. She hates when evil wins the day but firmly believes that justice will prevail in the end, so doesn't let that discourage her too much even if it infuriates her for a while. As long as evil looses in the end she doesn't seem to care too much if the good guys take casualties in the process, saying that they were noble sacrifices. As such she has personally killed good guys in the past to get to the bad guys and shown no remorse for her actions. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] In her natural state she can lift up to 600 pounds and run at speeds of 60 miles per hour. Her reaction time is nearly instantaneous. She can see ten times better than 20/20 vision, but only hear/smell/taste twice as good. Her ears won't be permanently damaged by louder sounds very easily but it does still irritate her to no end if she's not able to focus in time to mentally lower the perceived sound to acceptable levels, drowning out much of her own thoughts as well as severely disorienting her until it's put under control. Her physical durability is low for her tier, allowing even a normal human to kill her with a few lucky strikes. However, her body is able to withstand the pressure and force of her own attacks and fast movements just so long as she doesn't push herself too much or strike something really hard, which could break her hand, for example, if executed poorly. Her magical resistance is much higher, able to withstand weaker magical attacks or special abilities without being effected much at all, moderate or higher ones still effecting her but to a more limited degree as well. [b]Swordsmanship-[/b] She's an expert at sword fighting; her primary means of combat of which she has tons of real world experience over many years to hone her craft. She prefers quick, yet insanely precise slices and stabs to whittle her opponent in a "death by a thousand cuts" sort of way. She's practiced enough with both hands to make them both equally effective and able to duel wield if need be, but she still uses her right hand unless there's a reason to switch. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Spirit Synchronization and Purification-[/b] She has the power to allow one other spirit (that has been purified with her in a special process) at a time into her body to give them control over it or use their powers through her. During this time she can either maintain her own control as well or enter a more dream-like state where the other soul is completely "in the driver's seat". She doesn't have to be conscious, or even alive, for this ability to take effect, allowing her to rest her own mind while someone else keeps her body active. To transfer the spirits from her blade into her body (more on that later), Lisita must stab or cut it into herself at any point in her body. She can use already made wounds for this purpose. The spirit requires the first post to begin synchronizing with her so can only actively participate in the next post. If her body is hit with enough force to cause lethal damage then the spirit inside her is kicked out. Her own spirit falls out of consciousness until it can regain it's consciousness and power in around a week, but her body cannot have any lethal damage still on it for this revival process to happen. The spirit does keep rotting at bay during the meantime so that she'll be good as new once revived. Once it does happen then she isn't counted as being undead; her body being completely alive again. Other spirits can still enter her body before she personally revives after the week is up, but are still limited by the lethal damage. Due to the special purification her body underwent, it cannot be intruded on by other spirits, dark entities, etc. who wish to possess her unless they were insanely strong. She also cannot fall under the effects of curses, jinxes, etc. very easily, including things like voodoo dolls. [b][u]Spirits[/u][/b] The following are the spirits that can enter her body. They are called "The Jury" and are not known by their real names, only by their number on the jury, of which there are 8 in their society. Membership in the jury is not set in stone, although some have been a part of it for a very long time. New spirits can be introduced into the jury by baptism at the sacred springs from the Lute home planet of Lutaria, but there can always only be 8 maximum, this number replenished as soon as possible. Not any spirit can become baptized. The spirits have to rest their powers quite a bit so only around half are actively able to contribute at any point in time. [b]#1:[/b] A wise, old male spirit. More tame and level headed than the rest. Fights with great intellect with seemingly instant knowledge of the best course of action that could reasonably be attained. Able to see past all but the best illusions, tricks, and poisons. [b]#2:[/b] A hesitant male spirit. Surrounds her skin with faint blue energy after three seconds of charge time, allowing herself the durability of bulletproof armor without inhibiting maneuverability. However, he can only activate this ability for 30 seconds total before rest. [b]#3:[/b] A rash female spirit who upgrades her speed by 30 miles per hour but makes her strength 100 pounds lighter. Skilled at using lightning fast kicks. [b]#4:[/b] A pragmatic male spirit who upgrades her strength by 300 pounds but makes her 10 miles per hour slower. Skilled at fighting unarmed as well. [b]#5:[/b] A new, inexperienced male spirit who offers little benefit at the moment, more like the comic relief. [b]#6:[/b] A young, whimsical female spirit that allows her to fire pink beams (about the size of a pencil) of magical energy from her body. The area of skin it will fire from glows pink while charging in power, the weakest charge of one second time allowing her to destroy bronze armor. She cannot fire more than four beams at once and cannot control the beams once fired. She runs out of power after firing an average beam around 15 times but the weakest beams can be fired up to 30 times. [b]#7:[/b] A loner spirit with no discernible gender and doesn't take part often other than to deliberate with the others to help with judgments. When he does take part he's revealed to be a weapon master of a great many different types. [b]#8:[/b] A serious, stern female spirit with levitation powers, although only has a top speed of 50 miles per hour. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [b]Armor:[/b] She wears an outfit similar to [url=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/5965dd4a78c145898db524826801871a/http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y67/Blacktacular/NEW%20TG/1274298616865.jpg]this[/url] but with a gold and white color motif, more good guy looking, and openings for the feet. [b]High Judge:[/b] She wields what looks to be a fancy golden claymore with a blade length of 120 cm and a weight of 40 pounds, although in the hands of those it finds worth it acts like it only weighs 5 pounds from their perspective yet still retaining it's heavier, destructive power. It can only break or dull under tremendous force that only the most powerful beings are capable of. She often wields this sword single handedly. The blade was magical forged and purified to hold the spirit of the greatest judge in Lutarian history, High Judge Arthzwald, but under it's power it can also hold 9 other purified spirits (the judges and the wielder). The blade cannot have it's souls stolen from inside it, only drained of energy until it becomes dormant and must recharge over time. If the spirits inside have made a decision to not pass judgment, the edge of the blade slides inwards to be covered by the other dull portions of the blade, rendering it a blunt object. The high judge can supply some of his energy into the blade to make the edge behave like a chainsaw but without the noise. This can last for up to three minutes in total. He can also activate a state that he calls "Final Judgment" where white energy floods around the edge, making it cut through most objects like butter, but this runs out of energy in ten seconds. Arthzwald can speak telepathically or otherwise despite having no mouth, the sound vibrating out of the blade. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Her people are a very justice oriented one and wished to remove evil from their boarders, fearing and loathing the darkness above all else. Much of their lives involved purification and rituals in some way to hold the evil forces at bay. Ever since her birth, they could sense the power of lightness inside of Listia and made her a saint once she turned 8, raising her all the while to better carry out the goals placed on her. Intense brainwashing made her a tad zany, but they didn't really notice and thought their plan was a complete success. Listia only truly trusted Arthzwald, a man who was with her a lot while she was going up, being the close friend of her father and having his own goals for Listia, proving to her that he was the only one with true justice on his side. On his death bed he convinced their grandest magic users to forge his spirit into a special sword that Listia would wield, and together with a chosen group of 8 jury members they would become the best judge, jury, and executioner. The royalty loved this idea, seeing this as their best chance to get ride of the darkness that they had feared so much once and for all. What they didn't know is that Arthzwald judged the royalty for their crimes, and Listia did as well. Due to it's unexpected nature, the victims were powerless to stop their slaughter, and by the time any powerful warriors could assemble, the church of shielding light, of which she was a part of, exonerated them of their crimes, making them crimes no longer. The church's power was absolute; their services needed in the everyday life of the people. That said, Listia achieved the rank of Grand Executioner and given authority to carry out any action under authorization by the high judge. Not content with just shaping up her own kingdom, she saw much more darkness lurking all around the multiverse. It was then that Arthzwald gave the judgment that still carried with her to this day. "Set off and clear the multiverse of all who threaten our precious peace." [/hider]