The Chaplain stood, impassive with an unnatural calm as evident by his stance, and below the helm, his features. For there was nothing more needed, only duty and the requirement that his charge be done. He would meter out the Emperor's will with the utmost of loyalty and steadfastness, even if it resulted in his own death. He watched as the Legionnaire climbed to meet him, in response Aleros would take a few steps back in order to allow the astartes to talk on even ground, he could afford the marine that much, to talk as equals before the truth. Watching as Deimos stepped between the two brothers, he didn't know which angered him more. Her brash and blatant trust she seemed to place in the Legionnaire or her reasoning, fraternizing with the enemy and the heretic. His resolve and calmness remained as he watched the Legionnaire place a hand upon the Imperial Fist, that which might be seen as a symbol of comfort to those not of the adeptus astartes, conditioned to feel no such emotion. What Aleros saw was the corrupting taint of the warp placing a hand on a member of his founding chapter. [b]"Deimos, step back and allow justice to be dealt here. The taint if left at bay will serve only to corrupt, and then those who fight besides it."[/b] He spoke in response. At the precipice of a jagged, molten hole, descending into darkness and blood. The two terminators stood face to face, one donned in black armour bearings bones of the damned, the other black, bearing the simplistic markings of a chaplain, a Rosarius dropping over the imperial Aquila across his chest and evident damage across it's surface. One skull helm, once more looking into the cracked skull helm of the other. Aleros watched the marine before him, as he spoke of mercy, the servo skull moving around his helm removing that which kept his helm secure. Aleros remained unnerved and unflinching, as he looked upon the desecrated flesh of the terminator. His appearance, scarred and desecrated. If Zethidis had hoped for a reaction. he was to receive none as he revealed his face to the Chaplain. His face was an abomination of flesh, sown together. Surely no Apothecary of the Imperium would mend a wound, even as serious as Zethidis' in such a way, for Bionics were readily available. No, this held a much darker meaning to the Chaplain, doing nothing but enforcing the Chaplains previous views of the Legionnaire. Aleros however would word nothing as he listened to Zethidis recounting his tale, until it had ended and the cracked skull helm once more contorted the Legionnaires voice through the vox. [b]"Brother Zethidis, we all bear scars for what we fight and believe in. We expect as much mercy as that which we deal to the enemy. None." "Do not tell me of your scars and expect them to represent your loyalty to the Emperor. For I have seen the stoutest of warriors fall to the corrupting influence of chaos and the warp, despite heralding scars of war and able to claim a number of kills in the Emperors' name."[/b] The Chaplain spoke steadily, as the Legionnaire turned his back. Aleros clamped one hand on the terminators shoulder, holding him in place as he spoke. [b]"Your face and your wounds, which you claim as your defense. Mean nothing, for even Dreadnoughts, those that have made greater sacrifices can be corrupted by the most unholy. You wield powers of the witch and heretic, you wield that which you can not understand, such power is unholy and corrupting, do so in my presence and I WILL strike you down where you stand. My charge as Chaplain is to root out this taint before it can take root. And that is what i shall do. Your loyalty is unquestionable, to whom however is. I will allow you one chance to prove your worth, you shall remain with us, prove your loyalty in combat in the Emperors name and you shall be absolved of doubt in the anvil of war. Cross us however, and you will receive the mercy you crave."[/b] The Chaplain spoke, before releasing his grip on the terminator, allowing him to make his way down the pit. Aleros remained at the top, watching from the edge of the twisted gap. [b]"I do not believe it wise to begin traversing those twisting tunnels, one could easily become lost. We would be best continuing down the hall, for more chaos awaits us. There you shall prove your worth Legionnaire of the Damned, before your brothers and the Emperor."[/b] The Chaplains words echoed down the pit. [hider=>Chaplain Aleros Status Report] [b]HP;[/b] 40 (current 43) [b]Wounds;[/b] 2 [b]Status;[/b] Disturbed; -1 WS and BS. Emperors Favour; +1d3 WS (When using the Crozius Arcanum) [b]Weapon Skill;[/b] 4d6 [b]Ballistic Skill;[/b] 2d6 [b]Initiative;[/b] 2 [b]Leadership;[/b] 5d6 [b]Veteran Traits in use;[/b] [i][b]Suffer Not the Unclean to Live[/b][/i] - The Black Templars swear to release their unclean foes. Heretics, mutants, xenos and traitors from the suffering of their lives, striking them down with great fury. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +1d3, 1d6 damage attacks in the first turn of combat)[/i] [i][b]Uphold the Honour of the Emperor[/b][/i] - The Black Templars uphold the Emperors honour, and face their enemies attacks head-on rather than cower behind cover. Such is their indomitable faith that they can withstand attacks that would fell other Astartes. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +5 Health for the first 3 turns of combat)[/i] [b]Equipment;[/b] - [b]Crozius Arcanum;[/b] Emperors Favour (+1d3 WS); [i]2d6 damage[/i] - [b]Storm Bolter;[/b] [i]2d6 damage[/i] - [b]Rosarius;[/b] a symbol of office for the Chaplains. The one Aleros wears is an amulet of adamantium shaped into the form of the Imperial Aquila, which houses a protective Conversion Field emitter, [i]-1d6 to all damage allocated to the wearer.[/i] - [b]Indomitus Pattern Terminator Armour;[/b] [i]-5 to all damage allocated to the wearer.[/i] - [b]Skull helm;[/b] Carved to resemble the face of a human skull, an ancient symbol of death used to mark the Emperor of Mankind's great sacrifice for humanity during the Horus Heresy. Every aspect of a Chaplain’s garb serves as a reminder of mortality’s impermanent nature, and thus, the significance of preserving the immortal soul. [i]-1d6 to all enemy Leadership tests[/i] [/hider]