So....this was a new experience. Henry Sullivan took a long, satisfied drag on the cigarette as he sat heavily on the heap of metal he guessed used to be a car. It was hard to tell with how mangled most of the scrap in the cargo hold was. Must have been stuff caught in the shockwave of one of the bombs when they fell over 180 years ago. The Moogles had been collecting lots of old tech, even bits of scrap metal like this. He didn't have time to ponder the former state of his seat right now, though. Right now he was more concerned about just what the hell the damn thing that had attacked him was, and where the Moogles were taking him now. They hadn't been in the mood for questions at the time. They'd just said, "Come with us, and you will have answers." The thing that had attacked'd been short, not much bigger than a dog. It looked a bit like a kid, in shape. But it had Inky black, like a shadow. And the eyes...they glowed gold and bright as a Glowing One. It'd taken buckshot like a champ, and the only thing that seemed to hurt it was the...thing in his hand. He guessed it was some kind of sword, but sure as hell not like the katanas that he'd seen those Yakuza boys carrying. It looked evil, felt right, for some reason, in his hand. It'd just sort of appeared during the fight, right in time to catch the sucker in the chest. It'd gone up in smoke after that. And this was coming after all that crazy shit that was going on in NCR and the rest of the wasteland. So now the wastelander sat and smoked, trying to figure out just what the hell was going on. He had the feeling that he wasn't going to like the answer. "Hell...guess the Good Lord does work in mysterious ways..." He sighed and let his cigarette drop, crushing it under his boot as he looked up at one of the tiny, white and red little critters waddling toward an old suit of power armor, probably bought off some scavenger that found a dead Brotherhood knight. It seemed like it was having the time of its life poking at it, seeing how it ticked. He couldn't help smiling at its glee. The ship lurched suddely, slowing as it started to move to the right. The wastelander looked over at the Moogles curiously. "Guessing' we're jus' about there? What's this place called again?" He asked, his voice deep and gravelly.