The Terminators, with a slight quarrel ripping through their men, discern their ultimate goal to be within the grasp of the chaotic hall. Walking down the hall, the Heros are not faced with more assualtiants, but with yet more stranger and vivid visages that could trouble even the most willed of Astartes. The walls blend in with these hallicinations, the faces of daemons burning like white hot furnaces against the metal sides of the corridor. Soon, the Terminators are blinded by these warping daemonta, almost transporting them to a imaginary setting away from the reality of the Spacehulk. Suddenly, through the abstract fires and creatures burning around the persisting terminators, comes the appearance of 3 unreal doors, each formed in the shape of an alienated facial expression.[list] [*][b]The First[/b], with an expression of extreme bloodlust and fury, shows a multitude of allegiance to the god Khorne. [*][b]The Second[/b], with bloated features and a hopeless aura, gives it's origins to Father Nurgle and his sickening legions. [*][b]The third[/b], glowing purple and releasing an alluring musk, shows an incarnate of pleasure and desire, attracting the Terminator's with it's desecrating, Slaanesh scent.[/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s][list] [*][b]Brother Rand;[/b] [color=007236][i]4 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]Chaplain Aleros;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]'Brother' Deimos Kabal;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]Brother 'Skullcavus' Zethidis;[/b] [color=007236][i]1 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color][/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s]