[@Laughing Matter] YAY! I'll revise my own profile of him, even add Shinji Ikari to the list. Well one of my characters comes from the More Than Meets The Eye comics, the Decepticon Justice Division (DJD) leader Tarn. [hider=This is Tarn.][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/50f3/f/2012/237/c/2/tarn_by_theminttu-d5cei6t.jpg[/img] [b]Alt Mode:[/b] [img]http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachments/radicons-customs/27320068d1347585085-tarn-idw-d-j-d-w-i-p-27316476d1345949988-decepticon-justice-division-tarn-tarn.jpg[/img][/hider] And one more question... are there limits to how many characters you can make? Cause I think I remember seeing a limit to them... 1 canon and one OC. Is this rule still active?