Katia was caught off guard but managed to shield her eyes as she ducked from the demons fireball attack, the next thing she noticed was someone throwing a piece of wood at someone else, before the second figure then lunged at the demon attacking its legs, just as she fully recovered and became fully aware of her surroundings yet another person came barging into the pub yelling something along the lines of [color=20B2AA]"WHO DID WHAT TO MY FAVORITE PUB"[/color] in a fit of rage before drawing a weapon & charging past her abruptly towards the demon as well. Following the others lead Katia went to join the fight as she fully drew one of her axes, but then the demon unexpectedly impaled itself speaking as it started melting into the floor [color=FF0000]"...I'll see you puny fools in the Abyss, then... the war has only begun..."[/color]. After the creature burnt through the floor into what must have been the cellar below, she had to suppress the urge to ask if the now lifeless black armor pieces were worth anything or if they were safe to take in-case of a curse or something...?. Katia's train of thought was interrupted when the new arrival tripped flew over the hole in the floor & plowed head first into what was left of some fire-damaged furniture her thoughts replaced with a single word 'Ouch!' not wanting to prod at what was left of the mans dignity Katia acted like she hadn't noticed as the newly arrived stranger cracked his broken nose back into place. [color=20B2AA]"Can anyone tell me what happened here?"[/color] the man asked, Katia put her axe back into its holster and began walking over to some skeleton remains near a window while everyone else was recovering from the ordeal [color=FFFF00]"i just got here myself, but gist of it that was the monster boss guy that started the fight & he's now dead"[/color] Katia smiled widely at the man as she clicked her fingers before pointing with both hands randomly towards someone else in the room [color=FFFF00]"they probably know more..."[/color] Katia nods as she recovers a short sword from some of the skeletons remains & sheathing it as she then turned & walked towards the bar stepping around the large hole in the floor. As Katia walked over she noticed one of the others taking a seat at that scorched bar & rubbing his neck from a injury? perhaps, as he spoke up to everyone [color=7FFFD4]"Not the nice stroll along the shore you guys thought this would be, huh?"[/color] undaunted Katia continued towards the bar while she rummaged in one of her pouches as she walked over & produced a small circular metal case and placed it beside the man & gesturing at her own neck as she spoke [color=FFFF00]"medicinal salve, stops bleeding from small cuts, prevents infection, soothes burns & pains where it's applied also helps prevent scarring!"[/color] Katia chirped up in a more cheerful tone as she finished the sentence not answering the mans question. Katia then climbed up onto the bar sitting on it, then spinning round half way & hopping off the bar-top again now behind the scorched counter as she went to pry her spear out of the wall the wall severely cracking as the spear blade came loose with a sigh of relief after inspecting her spear she rested it against the wall again as she turned back towards the group [color=FFFF00]"please feel free to use the salve if your hurt guys..."[/color] she gave a friendly smile as she tried to let everyone know they could use the salve if needed. Feeling a little awkward now as her slight phobia of crowds began to surface a little now that the adrenalin of combat began to subside Katia looked along the shelf's behind the bar finding several undamaged wine bottles as she nabbed one for herself popping it open & taking a light sip before leaning over counter trying to relax a little while attempting not to make direct eye contact with anyone as she grew increasingly nervous surrounded by the strangers her phobia slowly growing as she took another sip to help steady herself, that said Katia's eye occasionally wandered towards the other girls in the place but quickly averted when they looked back towards her, Katia was desperately hoping her face wasn't turning red in-front of everyone. [center] [@Elitestpotato ] [@boomlover] [@IcePezz] [@Tabitha Jade] [/center]