Aleros, the Black Templar gazed at each door. Each bearing the marks of the Chaos gods, three of the four were present. The bloodthirstiness of Khorne, the plagues of Nurgle and the pleasure incarnate of Slaanesh. [b]"They have taken it upon themselves to box themselves in like rats. Like wheat they will fall before us, no matter their gods for we are the sickle of the Emperor."[/b] They would find battle behind all doors he sensed, but the most hard fought would be the daemons of Khorne, those whom lived for war and blood. His gaze fell on the Legionnaire, it seems those aspects were present in their own midst. He would watch over the Legionnaire, for the terminator was now his charge. His to bring back to the path of enlightenment. However, part of him was in doubt. Bringing the Legionnaire into the more powerful forces of the warp might twist him further into the abyss he had begun to walk, or bring him into the light. Either was an option and a risk. [b]"I say they want blood, who are we but the most worthy to sate their bloodlust with their own. And Zethidis, you might earn your honour, and sate your own glory. Bringing retribution to those that have wronged you, those that have scarred you"[/b] He spoke, a goading hidden within his words. He sensed the anger within Zethidis, it would be more powerful and useful aimed at the legions of Khorne rather than the Chaplain. [b]"I will wage war wherever the group as a whole wishes. However, allow me a moment to recuperate. Rand i suggest you do the same. And back there, in that dark camp of those Cultists, now slain. Before the room was set aflame, I saw the banner of the Iron Legion, Be wary brothers, traitor astartes lay nearby."[/b] [b]Actions this turn;[/b] [b][u]Action 1:[/u][/b] [b]Chaplain Aleros overwatches[/b] with his [b]Storm Bolter[/b] on the Doors of [b]Khorne[/b]. [b][u]Action 2:[/u][/b] [b]Aleros[/b] begins to [b]Regenerate[/b] [hider=>Chaplain Aleros Status Report] [b]HP;[/b] 40 (current 43) [b]Wounds;[/b] 2 [b]Status;[/b] Disturbed; -1 WS and BS. Emperors Favour; +1d3 WS (When using the Crozius Arcanum) [b]Weapon Skill;[/b] 4d6 [b]Ballistic Skill;[/b] 2d6 [b]Initiative;[/b] 2 [b]Leadership;[/b] 5d6 [b]Veteran Traits in use;[/b] [i][b]Suffer Not the Unclean to Live[/b][/i] - The Black Templars swear to release their unclean foes. Heretics, mutants, xenos and traitors from the suffering of their lives, striking them down with great fury. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +1d3, 1d6 damage attacks in the first turn of combat)[/i] [i][b]Uphold the Honour of the Emperor[/b][/i] - The Black Templars uphold the Emperors honour, and face their enemies attacks head-on rather than cower behind cover. Such is their indomitable faith that they can withstand attacks that would fell other Astartes. [i](Chaplain Aleros gains +5 Health for the first 3 turns of combat)[/i] [b]Equipment;[/b] - [b]Crozius Arcanum;[/b] Emperors Favour (+1d3 WS); [i]2d6 damage[/i] - [b]Storm Bolter;[/b] [i]2d6 damage[/i] - [b]Rosarius;[/b] a symbol of office for the Chaplains. The one Aleros wears is an amulet of adamantium shaped into the form of the Imperial Aquila, which houses a protective Conversion Field emitter, [i]-1d6 to all damage allocated to the wearer.[/i] - [b]Indomitus Pattern Terminator Armour;[/b] [i]-5 to all damage allocated to the wearer.[/i] - [b]Skull helm;[/b] Carved to resemble the face of a human skull, an ancient symbol of death used to mark the Emperor of Mankind's great sacrifice for humanity during the Horus Heresy. Every aspect of a Chaplain’s garb serves as a reminder of mortality’s impermanent nature, and thus, the significance of preserving the immortal soul. [i]-1d6 to all enemy Leadership tests[/i] [/hider]