Eric ___________________________________________________ Eric woke up coughing up blood. He had a major headache but had more trouble breathing than anything. He could barley move his arms or his head. He looked around at the room he was in, concrete and brinks. When he looked up, the ceiling had one light bulb that did not even help with the darkness surrounding him. When he tried to sit up a pain spread across his body making him clench his fist. He looked down his chest and went into to shock at what he saw. His bare chest was covered with wet and dry blood, and some of his ribs were probing out from their correct positions and sticking through his flesh. Then it hit him like a speeding train, the pain. He felt like clawing his own eyes out, it hurt so much. This pain never subsided and he could only just sit there and cry. When he tried to move it hurt, when he tried to breath normally it hurt, hell when he blinked it hurt. So for a few minuets he just sat there reveling in his pain and agony. Then he turned onto his side quickly, but the pain still came in waves that nearly knocked him back into his original place. He left the new pain pass, this position seemed to take off some of the pressure on his chest and move it to his arm, so the pain dulled down. He looked around the room and noticed Ash still resting in his cot. The boy didn't look much better, his arm had been smashed and the bone was going into his chest. Eric tried to call him but all he could muster was a dry wine. So he sat there and watched whatever he could see: Ash, breathing, and blood dripping down onto the floor and running down the drain. The only thoughts going through his head were: Where was he? Who put him here? and How was he still alive? While he contemplated these things he saw Ash begin to move.